Can't wait!


Staff member
Jun 14, 2002
Burleson, TX
The travel trailer has been moved to the camping space at the TMS track! Hubby going up on Wed. evening and I will be making the trek ASAP ( :p ) on Thursday! As it stands right now, the weather is so wishy-washy I didn't know what to pack so I packed half of the house! ( :lol: ) Could be cold, could be warm. Could be wet, could be dry. We just don't know at this point! Will try to get pictures to post when I return from the track on Monday evening.!
Have fun Majestyx! Can't wait to see your pictures. I hope the weather turns out to be good.
have fun, I still have a few weaks for me and dad to use our tickts at dega....
majestyx, I'm having a hard time waiting, too.

I've pulled out the race gear, charged the scanner, confirmed the reservations, and am pacing the floor.

Have the coats and gloves, shorts and T-shirts, and the rain gear all packed. What ever comes, I'm ready. LOL
I am SOOOOOOOOO jealous. I know you guys will have a great time. Please bring back pictures to share and a 500 essay on your experience, double spaced of course. :p ;)
Originally posted by nascarwoman@Mar 24 2003, 03:24 PM
I am SOOOOOOOOO jealous. I know you guys will have a great time. Please bring back pictures to share and a 500 essay on your experience, double spaced of course. :p ;)
I will be able to handle the pictures, but I might not remember enough for the 500 word essay (LOL :p ).

TRL, it is very difficult sitting here at work, and "waiting" for the weekend to get here! I can't keep myself busy enough to NOT think about it! :lol: full of envy, so full of envy. :angry: :angry: But also very glad that we'll get a first-hand account of the race. :D :D
Well, it is now 4 hours and counting till I leave for the track!!!!! :p I will be sure and get some pics !!!
Hope you all have lots of fun at the track. Remember your sunscreen.

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