Carl Edwards to call NNS race at Darlington on ESPN


Team Owner
Jun 14, 2002
Powell, TN
ESPN announced today that Carl Edwards will call the NNS race at Darlington on Friday night.

When is this insanity going to stop? The idea of putting active car owners and drivers on the air to call races or be analysts needs to stop. These networks don't do this for other sports, so why NASCAR? We don't see Tony Romo or Jerry Jones calling NFL games or DeWayne Wade calling NBA games or even being a regular studio host. The only exception is in post-season if their team is not participating. Even then, I don't agree with it. Why? They cannot be totally objective.

All you have to do is look at Michael Waltrip being tongue-tied when Clint Bowyer slammed into Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson at Martinsville. What if Ricky Stenhouse does a Kyle Busch and purposely runs over another driver under caution? Will Edwards even comment on it? If he bashes Stenhouse, will Roush or Stenhouse take exception for calling out a fellow company driver? If he takes up for him, people will know Edwards isn't being fair. This needs to end soon.
...So ass kissing Spencer is ok in your opinion
All networks are in need of a good announcer.....other than Bob Jenkins, there are none on the air that is worthy of being called a professional announcer......the tired old bunch that constantly tells us how they use to do things is as boring as the WNBA.....The Waltrips and their constant sales pitches or a** kissing for sponsor's is so sickening.....the drivers that say the same crap over and over and are tied down by NASCAR from free speech is just as boring....the best are on Radio.....we need men not afraid of NASCAR, not ex-crew chiefs or drivers, clean this stale bunch out and clean house....Jimmy Spencer is OK however......​
well now its out of context since he deleted it and edited it.
All networks are in need of a good announcer.....other than Bob Jenkins, there are none on the air that is worthy of being called a professional announcer......the tired old bunch that constantly tells us how they use to do things is as boring as the WNBA.....The Waltrips and their constant sales pitches or a** kissing for sponsor's is so sickening.....the drivers that say the same crap over and over and are tied down by NASCAR from free speech is just as boring....the best are on Radio.....we need men not afraid of NASCAR, not ex-crew chiefs or drivers, clean this stale bunch out and clean house....Jimmy Spencer is OK however......​

I agree. Please don't tell anyone.
That could never be justified;)
Yea, I like Spencer....I sure can cause you to bite every time......I seem to have a few of you in my power....I really wish you could interest me as much as I am to you......I realize some here are not playing with a full deck so to speak, but I will never insult them by calling out their names.....would you? What you know about me you could write on the back of a postage stamp with a flair will remain so.....I see many here could do the same thing with their limited knowledge of NASCAR.............
I agree. Please don't tell anyone.

x2. It'd be nice to hear a driver just once let it out and say it how it is. It's pretty much the SOS. The broadcasts have gotten more and more commercialized because of the personalities interest in the outcome of the race. And lets face it, 2 Waltrips is just 1 to many.
Can I buy a vowel?
So you agree with the post because someone else agreed about a post that they agreed with and now you agree that to wait let me start agree because you agreed with...on second, just say you agree or disagree and think as you if that is important.......someone call 911
x2. It'd be nice to hear a driver just once let it out and say it how it is. It's pretty much the SOS. The broadcasts have gotten more and more commercialized because of the personalities interest in the outcome of the race. And lets face it, 2 Waltrips is just 1 to many.
I disagree, I think two Waltrips is two too many.....A driver is trained to be a robot....say the same old BS, thank the crew back at the shop for working their butts person who works in the shops on any team has a butt according the drivers.....take a drink as soon as the camera is on you and act like it tastes good no matter how God awful it really is.......driver interviews is like watching a movie you have seen a thousand times, nothing ever original.
Thanks, I learned something today....that is, if you are serious. I know that NASCAR throws a flag if a top driver comes close to a wall and if it is a back of the pack car that hits the wall hard enough to knock the wall down, they may throw the flag if they have to...or unless they need to change the outcome of the race as they often do.....
nevermind, now I remember, we were wondering what the speed of lightning would be if it didn't zigzag, sorry, I forgot.
Meanwhile, a long line of cars forms at the drive thru because someone is TYPING "May I take your order" and getting no response.
there is no need for you to feel bad about working at a fast food place.....many do.....I know you have no time at work either, which company do you work for?....if you do not want to answer, I understand.
Fenderbumper....good name, I guess...tell me FB, do you realize that if you win the rat race, you are still a rat? What does that have to do with the discussion here...nothing......does anyone here ever discuss is where cars race, sometimes for five hundred miles, there is a monoply called NASCAR that determines who will win the race,...they never tell the fans who it will be......anybody here ever seen a race?
Fenderbumper....good name, I guess...tell me FB, do you realize that if you win the rat race, you are still a rat? What does that have to do with the discussion here...nothing......does anyone here ever discuss is where cars race, sometimes for five hundred miles, there is a monoply called NASCAR that determines who will win the race,...they never tell the fans who it will be......anybody here ever seen a race?
Have seen my share. Here are some non corporate conpiracy tracks; Waterford Speedbowl, Seekonk Speedway, Thompson Speedway, Stafford Springs, Lime Rock... Now for the NASCAR Conspiracy tracks;Loudon[of course],Pocono,Dover,Charlotte,Watkins Glen.Does this answer the last question in your post?
Suck. Don't want to hear golly gee Eddie Haskell talking.
Who is Eddie Haskell?.....I assume you watch a lot of you ever have an original thought.....I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person so I will cut you some slack......but really, who is this Haskell person...was he a NASCAR driver in the 1960's?
Who is Eddie Haskell?.....I assume you watch a lot of you ever have an original thought.....I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person so I will cut you some slack......but really, who is this Haskell person...was he a NASCAR driver in the 1960's?

You sure know alot about some of the members here considering you just signed up today.
Have seen my share. Here are some non corporate conpiracy tracks; Waterford Speedbowl, Seekonk Speedway, Thompson Speedway, Stafford Springs, Lime Rock... Now for the NASCAR Conspiracy tracks;Loudon[of course],Pocono,Dover,Charlotte,Watkins Glen.Does this answer the last question in your post?
No, it answers nothing....I can name tracks too, some you never heard of most likely like the great Anderson Fairgrounds Mile in LA and many others....but how many races have you seen...not the stuff on TV, I mean real racing with no give away programs involved....Who is Eddie Haskell?
Funny you should ask. I actually saw a 6 lap rat race once. It was pretty damn cool, and they had personality. You should check it out sometime.
You have, don't think I would have said that......really if you are illiterate, write for help.
Who is Eddie Haskell? somebody must know....
No, it answers nothing....I can name tracks too, some you never heard of most likely like the great Anderson Fairgrounds Mile in LA and many others....but how many races have you seen...not the stuff on TV, I mean real racing with no give away programs involved....Who is Eddie Haskell?

Eddie Haskell is the head of Fox Sports and somtimes sets in on broadcasts. I think he's from Maryland or Virginia but not sure.
You sure know alot about some of the members here considering you just signed up today.
I signed up yesterday, saying I know more than most here is saying very little.....right? How long have you been writing your intelectual replies?
No, it answers nothing....I can name tracks too, some you never heard of most likely like the great Anderson Fairgrounds Mile in LA and many others....but how many races have you seen...not the stuff on TV, I mean real racing with no give away programs involved....Who is Eddie Haskell?
I thought I made it clear by naming the tracks that I was physically in attendance at. I have seen countless more on TV, but, I guess that is done with trick optics and bogus officiating. Now that I think about it, maybe I'll take some time off from racing and finish some projects. Seems like a good time with the decent weather and all.
I did witness some of the greatest racing ever in 2006 when I won the New England S/P division in lawn mower racing. But we all know that isn't racing, it's just having a good time. Did witness some real racing though....
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