Catnip...Is it good or bad?



My three cats are just going nuts over some catnip right now. My wife bought them a scratching post so they would quit clawing at the furniture. They ignored it until she rubbed some catnip oil on it. Now they are fighting over who gets to claw and rub the dang thing. I think it is a pretty good thing, but her sister says Catnip is very bad for them. Anybody know one way or the other?
I've always been told its not good for them. But that's what I've been told, I have no idea myself.
Wasn't good for my wifes brother,he thought it was herb once and loaded it up.He got sicker than a dog,I mean cat.:D
Originally posted by pbunch
Wasn't good for my wifes brother,he thought it was herb once and loaded it up.He got sicker than a dog,I mean cat.:D
LOL! ..................... now that some ch#t !
That was so funny for all of us PD,Taught the mooch a lesson for sure. :D
Catnip is not bad for cats! They just get silly and act like kittens.
My cat doesn't care for it anymore.
You can grow catnip at home, just watch out for the "munchies" hehe
Catnip is great for cats. I used to give it to my cat once in awhile.
We have a 18 year old cat that is half blind, deaf,lost tons of weight, hardly moves except to get food or find a warm place to sleep and has this god awfull meow but he still goes wild over that stuff. its quite funny as well.
(We don't think he will make it another year, but we been saying that for 3 or 4 years now)
Hi mr typo, my old cat (18) just went off and never came home when it was her time. But she still loved her catnip every once in a while.

Is your old cat a house cat who never gets outside?
yes he is too scared to go out side. but My lord this cat (Mr. T) his meow is just loud, sounds like he is in pain but all he wants is attension.
Please just listen to the catwoman...when your OLD cat yells like that it is probably pain, kidney failure or feline leukemia (cancer).
My newer kitty talks all the time, mostly during the night when she is playing with her toys and talks to them.
well can't i miss them.....well that is your fault you could go over and see scruffy

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