I had cingular for a few years and they started changing plans and making funny rules and they don't work well with the changing technology. For instance, upon renewing my contract for two years, they gave me a new phone, however, when I wanted to change plans, they explained that "this plan won't work with your new phone"...to get a phone that would work with the plan I wanted, I would have had to shell out phat cash for one, or renew my contract, but I couldn't do that for another eighteen months. So dropped them and went to sprint. Sprint is good, they have great coverage of large areas and along the interstates, my parents who live waaaaaaaaaaaay out, when i'm there it wont work...They also have some plans that involve coverage in a few states, so your "home calling area" includes your state and the surrounding states. They usually have big corporate discounts and deals and what they call five dollar add ons, such as unlimited text messaging or unlimited long distance or nights and weekends. I love it, to me, its beats the living snot out of cingular, even if i am a huge robby gordon fan.