


Thought the census was to count people? Why do they want to know if I own my home? Or my phone number? Race? No, not anymore. Anyway since there askin' I'm a AMERICAN dammit. Under sex I put "often". Age and birthdate? 62, and I have a birthday every year. These doods can't do simple math?

This krap is costing how much?
How about the letter you received two weeks before you got your census telling you that your census was on the way.

And all the advertising on TV about the census.

Guess they need to send more money to the post office with extra junk mail.

And the purpose of the phone number was in case they needed to call you to clarify your answers. It is not that difficult to understand the answers!

A machine is used to total the responses. No need for them to know my phone number. If they want more info they can send me another useless letter. :D
Thought the census was to count people? Why do they want to know if I own my home? Or my phone number? Race? No, not anymore. Anyway since there askin' I'm a AMERICAN dammit. Under sex I put "often". Age and birthdate? 62, and I have a birthday every year. These doods can't do simple math?

This krap is costing how much?

Next to "race", I put NASCAR.:growl:
I haven't seen anything in the mail yet about the census,but it does make me wonder about the info they are going to be asking for when they say it will take 10 mins. to fill out.
I haven't seen anything in the mail yet about the census,but it does make me wonder about the info they are going to be asking for when they say it will take 10 mins. to fill out.

mike, I haven't seen anything in the mail about the census, either. What do you want to bet the letter announcing the census will come AFTER we get the form? :D
Isn't much to it.

Just name, sex, DOB, address, if you own or rent (where you stay? :D ), phone number, then the same thing for other people living under the same roof.

Also the questions about race.

Nothing much else but I would not answer any questions that I felt was none of their business.

They say the one of the main purposes of the census is for the apportionment of house seats. Don't see why race has to come into question. But this country is obsessed with race anyway.
I haven't seen anything in the mail yet about the census,but it does make me wonder about the info they are going to be asking for when they say it will take 10 mins. to fill out.

The reason you guys didn't get one is because Perry wants to secede from the USA!!;) LOL
The answers to every question asked is on a database in a computer somewhere. SS, military, county/city hall, State,DMV,phone company, bank records etc.
Now before anyone says it'll cost a lot of money in computer costs to gather those records. Well, it's going to take a lot of money for the govt to compile them too isn't it? Every returned form has to be entered into a database, add in the printing costs, advertising and what they are paying the takers ($16.00 hour?) and the costs would more than likely even out. Yes or no?
From my point of view, these letters are being sent according to areas so many will get their's later. Here's what I know. Every address in the US have/will receive a letter telling the recipient they will receive another letter that will be the actual census letter. These are sent first class, though of course the government doesn't have to pay what anyone else does for that service. Before I move on to the second letter, you need to know what the PO does with what we call "nixie" letters, those undeliverable letters. Nixies are sent back to the sender with one reason or another. However, this letter will not go back to the sender (government) and that is a savings of sort. Those letters are destroyed at the district (for me, Greensboro). Next comes the actual census form, again first class. Again, every address receives one of these. This letter however does not get the same treatment for nixies. The actually go back to the census bureau. There will also be a third letter, but I'm not sure what those will be, but all those nixies will be returned. Here's the thing that y'all should know about the census form. Those who have received it and filled it out will know that they ask that the barcode on the form show through the envelope. That barcode tells the census bureau exactly what address the form comes from. You guessed it, they compare the returns with the addresses that aren't nixies and those will be the addresses that an ACORN member will be knocking on the door for a head count. I have no idea what the census bureau will do with those forms returned with information that isn't what is expected. My guess is that some will also find an ACORN member knocking at their door, but I don't believe everyone will get that. I also don't know yet what happens to the third letters. Keep in mind that there are several reasons that first class mail can be returned. Refused and unclaimed are the two endorsements that will be used. So remember this, if you don't return your form, refuse it or in the case you have a PO box and it goes unclaimed, be on the lookout for an ACORN member before the year is out.
So remember this, if you don't return your form, refuse it or in the case you have a PO box and it goes unclaimed, be on the lookout for an ACORN member before the year is out.
don't remember the specifics but didn't the government cancel/curtail acorn's contract with whatever they were doing for the government?
Well, as an american I don't see what the big deal is....I gave the the info asked for.

I'm with bucky. I just don't get why people get so worked up about it.:confused:

You've gotta understand where some of these people are coming from. They hate government-everything and believe the Census goes against the Constitution (even though it's a constitutional mandate)... They have people like Michelle Bachman (I don't know why anyone pays any attention to this airhead) telling them information gathered from the Census will be used to target political enemies. They also have people like Glenn Beck (who is idolized by the tea partiers) telling them the Census will be used to enslave white people.
A news story on the local news shows there are people who don't like what they see in the "race" category. Understandably, today's definition of race doesn't fit the common knowledge of race, i.e. caucasion, negro, oriental, and American Indian. Also, the term "race" has a different definition in different countries in the world. However, for this purpose, we're dealing with what is going on here in the US. What do you call a child of interracial marriage? Are people from Columbia the same as people from Mexico? The census form has several boxes that can be checked and also has a box where you can add what you feel is right. One census worker explained that it's all part of the make up of the country and anything goes. She noted that some people want to add "queer" and others are asking for the word "negro" be removed. So if you think that you have a problem giving any answers other than how many people live in your house, think about some of those census takers who run into some of those people. I believe I'd be wearing a bullet proof vest. :eek:
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