change the schedule

Only problem that I can see with that is that there would be absolutely nobody left in the stands for that Sunday Nationwide race.
As long as you dealing with an outdoor event, you're dealing with the weather. It simply is what it is. So far this year we've seen two damn good races ran on the next available date after a rain-out. I hope to see/hear that trend continue today.
As long as you dealing with an outdoor event, you're dealing with the weather. It simply is what it is. So far this year we've seen two damn good races ran on the next available date after a rain-out. I hope to see/hear that trend continue today.

trucks on friday, cup on saturday, nationwide on sunday

Sure, BUTT there's a few problems with that.

First off no One would stay for the Nationwide Races and soon the few Good Nationwide series sponsors and probably Nationwide the series sponsor itself would leave to find somewhere else to spend their sponsorship money. No Butts in the stands equals a DEAD SERIES pretty damn quickly.

The second problem is that the Nationwide teams would have to stay at the track another day costing them more in Food and Accomodations for their crews, these guys are already commiting financial suicide to run this series they don't need more expense's.

The third problem I see (and its actually a multiple issue)
With the Nationwide race coming after the Cup race the track would'nt be "Rubbered In" and the Cup Teams would whine Alot.
Also the Cup drivers would have no reason to stay and run the Nationwide race under the theory of "Learning something for the Cup race" with No Cup drivers there'd be even less Butts in the stands which equals less money for the Nationwide boys and less sponsor exposer.

I appluad your forward thinking and trying to solve an issue Butt with any outdoor sport you run the risk of weather intervention and just have to deal with it.
i'm thinking only about fans that spend huge chunks of money to attend a race weekend, then have to miss the rain delayed main event because of having to go back to work.

also, why are we worried about the support series? the big teams have taken it over anyway.

the biggest obstacle would be the television contracts.
i'm thinking only about fans that spend huge chunks of money to attend a race weekend, then have to miss the rain delayed main event because of having to go back to work.

I think that's one of the reasons that they started offering event insurance. Personally I've never purchased it but it is a perfect option for those that can't plan on extra days at the track. It sure sucks to not be able to attend but that's part of the deal.
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