Charles County...



They just cut the school system's allocated budget ........... IN HALF! :rolleyes:

They also raised property taxes 9%.

Don't y'all love Democrats? ;)

So, they funded building those big fugly 25' wooden birthday cakes they put everywhere. They couldn't have a parade or anything, it has to be an obnoxious display at the entrance of every major county town.

Don't even get me started on the Regency Furniture Stadium of Southern Maryland.
Apparently Charles County won't let Harley Davidson of Southern Maryland in Hughesville fly the American flag because of it's intrusive obnoxious birthday cake.
My town's school district is facing a budget crisis, too. There was talk of laying off several teachers and closing one of the Junior High Schools, but nothing was resolved at the last board meeting. My county's political leadership is largely Republican, by the way. ;)
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