Chevy sure was representing at PIR ... hehe

ah, jeez, those lights flash back and forth when the caution is out...the picture caught one of them on and one of them off.
I got a nibble ...

I was wondering how long it would take for someone make that claim rather than just pose the question without being there themselves and/or not paying enough attention to tell it was out. Boy, I must have selective timing ... how many more pictures would you like to see as I took many of the pace car and all are that way. Looked to me like the headlights are the flashers and driving lights were not flashing and one was out (or, I guess it could be the other way around as I am not going to research the funky SSR light assembly to figure it out). Relax, I own an '02 vette and dont like the fact Chevy has this issue either but wouldnt you think its very likely true just based on the statistics alone you see driving down the road every day !!!??? Just thought it was hilarious when I noticed this. It was a little hard to notice it with the flashing lights but there was no doubt and I pointed it out to the people sitting around us and we all got a good chuckle out of it.

Dont take it wrong buddy, I kinda baited the post knowing I was going to get this exact response and you took the bait ; )
yeah. but did you see the race cars? Fords, Chevys, Dodges, NONE of them, and I mean NONE of them, had headlights that worked.
Good point !!! If Chevy doesnt correct their problem soon us tax payers are going to have to pay to light up all the roads during the day so we can convince Chevy to stop trying to make their day time running lights work long term ;)
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