Chevy vs Ford



This may have been brought up here before, if it has please forgive. I noticed some of it was said in the Dale Jr. says post.

Is it just me or is the media pushing Chevys and could care less about the Ford teams. While watching the Bud Shootout and the Twin 125's the prerace interviews were with the Chevy's and the Dodge's. THey did do a story on Matt Kenseth but no interview.

They (NBC and Fox) always start out with either Dale Jr. or Jeff Gordon. I realized they are two popular drivers but why do they not do interviews with the Ford crowd. Even if Ford is on the pole they will mention it but never make a big deal about. If Dale or Jeff starts in the rear they will talk about them all day long.

Forgive if I go long, but was just wondering if anyone else has noticed this. Back when ESPN had the coverage it was equal coverage, just wondering why it is not like that now.

:dual9mm: to chevy's
:cheers: to Roush Racing
Its an old but still valid subject on this and, I would think, most motorsports message boards.

First off, no, it's not just you, fordroush. A definite pro-Chevy bias is apparent in Nascar on most levels. No one with the ability to read can logically deny this. At least not with any argument that can't be shot down in about 30 seconds. A lot of varied reasons seem to be behind this,first and foremost likely being Nascars almost desperate desire to 'court' GM back into the fold in the early 70's.GM was(and is) the worlds largest car-maker--and certainly an incredible source of revenue for the sanctioning body. To risk cries of 'conspiracy theory' almost certainly an agreement was reached between the powers that be in NASCAR and the GM brass at that time that is passed down thru this family owned sanctioning body. It would be pure speculation to say what this agreement might have been though.

And, no, this isnt taking anything away from the Chevy drivers at all----they can hardly be blamed for the manipulations of the sanctioning body.
Originally posted by 66mustang@Feb 14 2004, 01:38 AM
:cheers: to Yates.
Yeah :cheers: to Yates and Roush. Yates was my team back when Davey was driving for them and he will always be my favorite. But now days I have to pull for Roush. But am happy any time that BLUEOVAL crosses that finish first.
Originally posted by Lap3Forever@Feb 14 2004, 10:40 AM
Nascar is pro ford.

:dual9mm: ALL FORD TEAMS

:cheers: Chevy
We must not watch the same coverage as you do. Count the times the announcers talk about Chevy and Ford.

:cheers: to Roush Racing
If you have a total ot 8 frods running out of 43 cars. Don't it make sence that they will talk to chevys and dodges than fords.
I get a kick out of discussions like this every time they come up (which is often, so I get a lot of laughs year around). The manufacturers "race" is a myth.......has been one for at least 10 years. Who builds these cars? Does Ford build Jack Roush's cars, Robert Yates cars or the Wood Brothers' cars? Does Chevrolet build Richard Childress' cars, Rick Hendricks', Joe Gibbs', or DEI"s cars? How about Dodge building Roger Penski's, Ray Evernham's or Bill Davis's cars? (Heck, Bill Davis is way far from Dodges' best friend). NASCAR has a rule that you must be race a car with a specific manufacturer of a car in the the moment that's Ford, Chevy, or Dodge (and Toyota if you are in the CTS......just a matter of time for Busch and Nextel. Toyota will be there soon too). It's a team's choice as to who they want to be affiliated with and in return they receive tech support and some financial support for their choice.........unless you are Bill Davis (don't pee off your choice of manufacturers is that moral). The cars we all watch running in circles for 36 races and doing the comical imitation of right and left turns for 2 races every year are hand made, representations of a manufacturer's make and model of a production car available to the general public.......they ain't Fords, Chevys or Dodges. They are race cars carrying a brand name in return for some limited support from the chosen brand. That's it............nothing more, nothing less. Very simply put, it's a revenue source for teams. To hear statements like this:
A definite pro-Chevy bias is apparent in Nascar on most levels. No one with the ability to read can logically deny this. At least not with any argument that can't be shot down in about 30 seconds.
tickle me to see how heavily some have bought into this obvious sales pitch by car manufacturers.

Carry on............I love a good chuckle. :)
Ok Wrangler! It is STILL good to have you back old buddy! :lol:

Even if you just strayed a little from how I took the original point of this 'debate'.Your point would seem to be (and I re-read your post twice) that this is Ford Vs. Chevy from a technical or spec point of view. In other words that the discussion relates to one brand 'vs' the other in that respect when in fact neither are actually anything more than technological wonders built for racing purposes. I think that was your point, and I am the first to agree that these are but "representations of a manufacturers make and model".

But MY point was addressing NASCAR's attitude towards that "representation". I stated that Nascar's pro Chevrolet(that is the representation of an actual Chevrolet granny might have in her garage) bias is easy to see. Now true, this may have taken an old one finger typer like me more than the 30 seconds I quoted :p ,but your point and my point were two totally different things.

Of course no one reading this thinks Ford, Chevy, Mopar, etc. actually have much hand in the actual race cars we see on the track other than primarily financial. But it was the attitude and treatment of what is REPRESENTED by those machines that some of us see bias.

Face it: The cars that win on Sunday still very likely sale on monday. Thats why some of us cheer for Ford cars and Chevy cars instead of for 'Roush-cars' or 'Hendrick-cars'. The name, the representation.

My contention was---and still is---that Nascar favors what 'represents' Chevrolet. You didn't even address that point.So I have to salute you: You skirted the real topic while making it seem otherwise! :cheers:
Thanks for the beer.............I was just about to go the fridge for another Bud Light!! :D

And I know you know I'm not arguing with you. Maybe I just misread what your intent was...............probably did, in fact. If I did then forgive me. But, then the question arises in my mind: "Is it the the very old 'conspiracy' thing"? I mean, if Jr, Jeffy, JJ, Tony, etc drove Fords the Chevy fans would be hollering? What if Kurt, MM, Matt, Jeff B, Gregg, DJ or Elliott S ran Chevys and all the focus was on Jr, Jeffy, Tony, etc. Would it still be a conspiracy? Face it..........Kurt and Matt are good (so are Jeff B. MM, Elliott and Matt...sorry, but I think Gregg is a short timer in the series) but they either don't have the ability or the personality to garner the attention of the press which translates to coverage. NASCAR ain't in the mix on that one........unless you are saying that NASCAR is wrong to promote the attention getters in order to further the sport to the public.
:) Of course I know you and I aren't 'argueing' really at all. This spirit of fun discussion is what these forums are all about really Wrangler. Besides, I patterned a lot of my early forum etiquette from watching how you handled yourself in some pretty interesting 'debates'. :lol:

I also remembered how logical and clear you come across on here. And how clever! For instance asking a hypothetical question such as what the popularity of a given driver would be if they were in different car brands! Not easy to answer. I think frankly speaking that if Kurt, Greg, Mark, Sadler and the other guys were in Chevy nameplates THEY would be getting most of the attention yes. Nor do I think they are in anyway LACKING for not having the exposure of, say, a Jeff or a Dale Jr. The conspiracy theorist in me(! :eek: !) does blame the Nascar media/money machine for this. The Chevy make is the most plentiful in the parking lot at any given race. Certainly Nascar is aware of that fact---having been stung once before by GM's withdrawal remember and paying the finacial price for that withdrawal.

I do think Nascar has a valid finacial reason to WANT to see the Chevy boys do simply guarantees more money from the still brand loyal 60% or so of fans that drive that particular product. "Conspiracy theorist" or realist? Well, I've been called worse. :lol:

Anyway, it's an interesting debate either way---and that keeps it interesting for guys like you and me. IF you can honestly say that you believe the Chevy driving faithful would stick around if Kurt and Greg were given the exposure (BY NASCAR) that certain Bowtie drivers have, then we truly have a difference of opinion. And the 'arguement' that some drivers are more deserving than others is a little hard to swallow when Brian Vickers gets more "Nascar sanctioned and approved" tv and media coverage than Matt Kenseth!! :)

(But oh well. If you think I am a conspiracy guy, you should hear my dad! I just returned from his house and he said the exact words below:

"No way am I watching that @#$%$ race tomorrow...already know whos gonna win and I dont like 'em."

So I ask who.

"With George Bush there who do you think?? They are gonna give it to that boy from Vegas with the big ears! The president has pull, y'know!"

Well, thats dad for you.) to run stock up on bread and milk, the snow chance is up to 80% now!!! Catch you folks later. :cheers:
And here I thought everyone knew that NASCAR favored (insert your least favorite car make hre) over (insert favorite car make here). I mean why else do they win.
Fair enough 97...........I also like you and always will!! But, I still ain't rooting for Kurt!! :XXROFL:

Take care.......get an extra loaf of sour dough for me!! I love sour dough toast with my bacon and eggs while watching the Daytona 500!! :D
I was talking about the press more so than Nascar. But I have always been critical with the press

I can understand all your points, about Matt getting more coverage if he drove a Chevy, but he is not and he is being ignored basically in the press. He did win the championship last year no matter what anyone says, and he deserves to be recognized by the press. But that is only my opinion, but of course I am a Ford man. And yes I would root for Dale, Jimmie, and Jeffy if they drove Fords but it would be tough.

But I still root for Bill Elliot since his switch to Dodge.

My only gripe really is that I wish the press was more equal in their coverage.

:cheers: Roush Racing
Matt Kenseth being ignored by the press may be Matt's fault, at least partly anyway. I have heard Matt say, on several different occasions, that he really doesn't want to be as public with his life as say Dale Jr or Tony Stewart. Maybe he has asked to not be bothered by the press as much, nobody knows the whole story except Matt. Just another angle of thought on this subject. It is possible, I guess. :huh:
I honestly don't see where they're favoring one manufacturer over another. It's looks to me like they're showing one more than the other because they show certain drivers. Come on now, do they REALLY need to show a car driving to pit lane when there's cars ON the track. Soon we'll be forced to watch the teachers pet taking a crap.
Originally posted by bowtie@Feb 14 2004, 11:14 PM
Matt Kenseth being ignored by the press may be Matt's fault, at least partly anyway. I have heard Matt say, on several different occasions, that he really doesn't want to be as public with his life as say Dale Jr or Tony Stewart. Maybe he has asked to not be bothered by the press as much, nobody knows the whole story except Matt. Just another angle of thought on this subject. It is possible, I guess. :huh:
Can't help but to agree with Matt on this...
I'd rather keep a low profile than have a crowd of 10,000 follow me to lunch everyday.
Looks like Ford still has some ground to make up after the 500. In the Top-10:
6 Chevrolet's
3 Ford's
1 Dodge
The ford drivers have less of a personallity for the most part. That is why you don't see much of Ryan either. Bobby Labonte has came out of his shell a little and is doing better interviews. Any time Ward does well they interview him just to hear him talk.(Everyone loves to hear him). Maybe Chevy has a coach to help the drivers respond to the press. It is very easy to see Jr. has the most fans, just look in the stands. His dad always had the most fans too. He out sold everybody at the souv. rigs., and now Jr. does. The press would be stupid not to cover Jr. They are there to sell a product to. They found what sell best.
Yes, Chevy wins baby! Hope the Fords have their seatbelts tight, because theyre in for a wild ride... even though I must admit, I'm a Toyota man.
Originally posted by Happy29@Feb 15 2004, 10:36 PM
Yes, Chevy wins baby! Hope the Fords have their seatbelts tight, because theyre in for a wild ride... even though I must admit, I'm a Toyota man.
:dual9mm: Toyota
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