China's First Astronaut Lands on Earth

On that same rocket they sent up a spy satttlite that has a camera on board. That camera is capable of taking pictures of the USA. It can take a picture of something 5 ft. wide and you can tell what it is. Good old China. Wants to join the space race. Yeah right.
Yeh i read and heard they sent up a spy satelite too, can't trust them IMO, no disrespect meant , but China has stolen a lot of our technology. Too bad all the world couldn't unite to explore space they way it should be explored. The technology is there to do it , but not the committment and resources. ;)
Why should China explore space and build space stations when they cant even take care of their own people? 75% of the country is in poverty and some parts are even having hunger problems.
China is not interested in exploring space. That was not what that sattlelite was built for. The Astronut was just a cover up for the real mission.
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