Classified, unclassified war story



My neice was in a serious accident last week, this caused us to try to contact here husband over "there". The Red Cross couldn't find him, it took the DOD to get the message to him. He is a dark haired kid who happens to speak about 12 dialects of arabic. We got him home this tuesday. She will recover fine but her sales position at Fredricks may no longer be an option, at least till she has several plastic surgerys. Her face was cut up pretty bad, one of her breasts was litteraly smashed off by the steering wheel.

Without revealing too much of what he has told me, just rest assured he is not the only darkhaired kid who speaks arabic wandering around Iraq gathering info and organizing underground resistance. He thinks they were to be withdrawn this weekend anyway. Sign of things to come??

Wear your seatbelts folks, the breast you save may be your own.
I hope your niece has a full recovery.

I agree, wear your seatbelt. They really do work.
Praying for your niece's full and speedy recovery.

Please remember to wear you seatbelts.

May thanks to your nephew for serving our country and preserving our freedoms.
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