Climbed another rung of the ladder


Admin & Resident Techie
Staff member
Oct 18, 2005
Ft Worth Tx
Upgraded my license today. I'm now at the highest level that the FCC grants civilians, Amateur Extra. The only licensing rank above this is the GROL (General Radiotelephone Operation License) and it's subcategories in the FCC's commercial system.

The extra exam is 50 questions that are quite difficult. You can only miss 13 and I missed 11. Example->

I can now work the world. Subnote: I communicated with Chile and Brazil last week in a rare opportunity in the lesser granted permissions.
My friends Dad was a radio operator on a PBY in the Pacific and after the war became a HAM radio enthusiast. He had a massive tower with a rotating antenna. Had a map with pins in it from all over the world. ''Talked'' by Morse code. Taught Morse to me and gave me a old key to use for practice. Still remember his call sign. W1PPN
My friends Dad was a radio operator on a PBY in the Pacific and after the war became a HAM radio enthusiast. He had a massive tower with a rotating antenna. Had a map with pins in it from all over the world. ''Talked'' by Morse code. Taught Morse to me and gave me a old key to use for practice. Still remember his call sign. W1PPN
I'm using keyboard based morse and rtty (Radio TeleTYpe) and regular voice. Morse was removed from the ham requirements in the 00's I think
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