Cloud 9!


Team Owner
Apr 30, 2002
I am so happy an excited I just wanted to share this with all of you!
As you may know from other post, I have a wonderful little girl. Well, I have been her Girl Scout Troop Leader for 5 years now. Last night at the volunteer appreciation dinner I was nominated for outstanding leader of the year! I was so excited. I did not get the award, but the fact that the moms of my troop thought enough of me to nominate me really made me feel good! There are like 500 troops and only I think 14 nominated, so it's a pretty big deal!
The leader that did win WOW she is just awesome! she does everything with her girls. I wish I had more time to do the things she does.
Congratulations on the nomination! It is always heart warming to know that other parents appreciate what you do and the time that you give for their children. Again, congrats! :stickdance:
Congratulations too! I knew you had to be a good parent when you mentioned your plans for last Saterday even though you were hung over. :cheers:
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