People that say it's okay to cuss around kids is a person with no kids.
Actually, I think ticket sales would go up if drivers fought it out face-to-face instead of hitting each other's cars.
I'm saying the parents do have responsibilities.
Earlier this year, I was in a sports bar (at 11:30pm) in Towson watching the game with my buddies while drinking. Yeah, we were cussing, but who the HELL brings their 4 year-old son in to a sports bar at 11:30pm?
So, this lady comes up to us and demands we quiet down and stop cussing. She also said it was a "family establishment". I said, "Yes, our language is a little coarse and we'll settle down a little bit, but this is not a family establishment."
Parents need to be parents and quit expecting the rest of the world to change so their kids can walk around and do whatever they want.
Yeah, there are things people could do to be more civil, but parents need to exercise more common sense.
If you think the content on FOX is too vulgar, turn the television off and give the child a book.
If you think the video games are too violent, turn the Playstation off and buy the kid a bike.
If you think Facebook is too public for your child to be on, turn the computer off and put the kid in a real life social network. The Boy Scouts of America is a great organization.
If you think the scanner chatter during a NASCAR race is too coarse, turn the thing off and givbe the kid some ear plugs.
If you think people in a sports bar are too rowdy during a basketball game, take the kid to Pizza Hut or Mickey Ds.