Comment About Getting Married ROFLMFAO



I don't get what the big deal is about him not wanting to get married I mean who in their right mind would want to do that !! 1 Your going to have someone constantly riding your as$ about something 2 You're going to be expected to remember stupid dates like your anniversary , valentines day, and all that crap !! 3 And when you finaly decide you can't take her crap anymore ,she gets to take half of everthing that you've busted your as$ for!!! So like I said , why would he want to do that ? And why would he go and do something as stupid as bringing one of his chicks to the track, then that's going to screw-up everything with all the rest of his chicks !! He's playing the field my friends and I don't fault him one bit . If I had his money and fame , I'd do the same thing !!
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