Commercial breakdown of the Dickies 500:
Total number of commercials: 152 (in 2006: 159)
Total number of companies or entities advertised: 74 (in 2006: 85)
Total number of brief promos of products/services during the race broadcast: 19 (in 2006: 23)
Start time to record race/commercial periods 11/04/07: 3:36 PM (in 2006: 2:41 PM)
End time to record race/commercial periods 11/04/07: 7:26 PM (in 2006: 7:30 PM)
Total minutes: 230 (in 2006: 289)
Minutes of race broadcast: 169 (in 2006: 214)
Minutes of commercials: 61 (in 2006: 75)
Number of movie star sightings: 1 (Vince Vaughn)
Number of missed restarts: 1
See the full report at
Total number of commercials: 152 (in 2006: 159)
Total number of companies or entities advertised: 74 (in 2006: 85)
Total number of brief promos of products/services during the race broadcast: 19 (in 2006: 23)
Start time to record race/commercial periods 11/04/07: 3:36 PM (in 2006: 2:41 PM)
End time to record race/commercial periods 11/04/07: 7:26 PM (in 2006: 7:30 PM)
Total minutes: 230 (in 2006: 289)
Minutes of race broadcast: 169 (in 2006: 214)
Minutes of commercials: 61 (in 2006: 75)
Number of movie star sightings: 1 (Vince Vaughn)
Number of missed restarts: 1
See the full report at