Commercial Breakdown of the Subway Fresh Fit 500
Total number of commercials: 127
Total number of companies or entities advertised: 68
Total number of brief promos of products/services during the race broadcast: 32
Total number of companies or entities advertised in brief promos or crawlers: 24
Start time to record race/commercial periods: 8:30 PM
End time to record race/commercial periods: 11:41 PM
Total minutes: 191
Minutes of race broadcast: 136
Minutes of commercials: 55
Total number of commercials: 127
Total number of companies or entities advertised: 68
Total number of brief promos of products/services during the race broadcast: 32
Total number of companies or entities advertised in brief promos or crawlers: 24
Start time to record race/commercial periods: 8:30 PM
End time to record race/commercial periods: 11:41 PM
Total minutes: 191
Minutes of race broadcast: 136
Minutes of commercials: 55