Not exactly a tip, but a thought. I'm sure that, like me, you get annoyed by pop-ups, advertisements, and banners on some web pages. Have you every compared that to the average magazine? Looking through one popular computer magazine I counted 15 pages of advertising before the first article—then take into account the ads throughout the mag!
We don't really notice these, right? We just flip past them. As annoying as pop ups are, eventually you just click them away. I don't even notice the ads at the side of my Google searches anymore. Banner ads? I blow right past them.
Perhaps we should try to adopt this same attitude toward commercials during Races. I know, they're annoying, but they DO help pay the bills.
We don't really notice these, right? We just flip past them. As annoying as pop ups are, eventually you just click them away. I don't even notice the ads at the side of my Google searches anymore. Banner ads? I blow right past them.
Perhaps we should try to adopt this same attitude toward commercials during Races. I know, they're annoying, but they DO help pay the bills.