Computer Problems



For some reason which so far remains undecipherable to me my computer has taken a cantankerous pill.

I cannot see what I type on the internet. Or more precisely i cannot see it until after a delay of several seconds from the thime I type until the words appear on the screen. It is driving me crazy, Other programs such as word, Excel, Project Manager and such are unaffected as is my email program.

Anyways, as always am reading, but responding is an excercise in frustration.
Yeh i have had the same problem too and it cleared up mysteriously as it started.
Logged on and off of here, besides which it happens on any site which requires that I enter anything.

Erased all the cookies. Rebooted the machine several times. Ran every virus check I could find. Ran Spybot.

If it soens't clear up soon, I may reload Explorer and see if that helps.

I can type this entire sentence and by the time I have finished all I see are the first four words.
Hmm, maybe we need to update to a higher version of Internet Explorer? :huh:
If you guys use an ISP like AOL then download Netscape and use that for your browser. I have no typing errors here.
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