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Saw on the news this morning that some place in New York I think it was is selling a $50 hamburger.

Let me say that again. A $50 hamburger. Five oh.

It's made from some special kind of meat, it has portobello muchrooms, it has fois gras in it, all kinds of stuff. But it's still a hamburger.

I thought we were in a terrible economy. How bad can it really be if some people are paying $50 for a freakin' hamburger?

And what if you pay $50 for a hamburger, then take a bite and don't like it? Does it at least come with fries? For $50, it better come with a Victoria Secret lingerie model to feed it to me while fanning me with a fig leaf.
I read that in the paper too. They did it because another rest. sold one for $41.00, and the owner wants the highest burger in town. They said 240 were sold the first day!
Originally posted by Tabasco
I read that in the paper too. They did it because another rest. sold one for $41.00, and the owner wants the highest burger in town. They said 240 were sold the first day!

Was that a contest to see who was the stupidest person in town? Tie among 240?:)
It was on Regis and Kelly, Truffels not mushrooms, but HELL NO.
I make a dang good burger so y'all come on down:D
They got place up here where you try to eat a huge steak (I really don't know how big it is, but they say very few have ever eaten it all). If you eat it all it is free. If you don't, it is like $50 or so. Several people have been taken to the hospital after failed attempts to eat the whole thing. I can't believe anyone would spend that much money to be stupid.
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