Congrats Maj!



Just wanted to say Way To Go on smoke-free for a year. I'm very happy for your wallet and your health! :bounce: I know you have to be as well---keep up the good work and here's to another year smoke free :pbjtime: :flassh: :pbjtime:
Great job. Maj. Makes you feel good when you can do something like that. Happy for you. :cheers:
Originally posted by kat2220@Oct 29 2003, 01:28 AM
Ditto that!

I wigh I could quit!
You can Kat. Nobody loved to smoke more that I did. I loved a good cigar and pipe. But you have to have a great desire to quit. I quit cold turkey. it was rough. But you can do it.
Thanks, folks! And, yes 97 you did remember and say something in a PM, but Whizzer actually beat you to it in a PM he sent to me. ;)

I really appreciate it folks, and yes I do feel so much better since I quit. And, kat, you can quit smoking just like I did. I smoked for over 22 years and was able to kick the habit! During that time I actually tried quitting at least 3 times but was unsuccessful. At those times, my mind wasn't made up and I wasn't sure of myself enough to stand up to the cigs and say enough is enough. Have faith in yourself and you can conquer anything. ;)
Congrats, Maj!

I stopped over 21 years ago after smoking for 20 years. Good thing too.... I'd probably would be dead now if I didn't. I smoked cigs, cigars and pipe and inhaled everything.

You are correct........ you really have to set your mind to it. In my case, it was a good dose of broncitis that finally convinced me to stop back in '82. But the cravings took about 10 years before they finally left. Now, I can't stand the smell of tobacco smoke especially when it gets in my hair an on my clothes.

Keep up the good work, lady. The battle will continue for awhile but you can win this one.
Enjoy those 5 minutes per cigg you added to your live Maj. Congrats. :)
When I quit, I put an almost full pack of cigs and a lighter on top of the fridge. I didn't want to buy a new pack in case I decided to smoke again and would throw them away after a full year of not smoking. It worked and I had a sort of celebration when I threw them away. Congrats.
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