Congrats to Kurt Busch! - Makes List of America's Most Disliked Athletes.


Team Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Western PA
OK..... So he placed #10 overall among all sports but congrats are in order none the less. A sponsor has to love that, right? Well, I guess people are talking about him so it's not all that bad of an honor.

Is Kurt Busch NASCAR's most disliked driver?

The results of a Forbes poll of America's Most Disliked Athletes included one NASCAR driver - Kurt Busch came in at No. 10.

NFL quarterback Michael Vick and golfer Tiger Woods tied at the top spot in the poll. About 60 percent of fans polled disliked Vick, but more people expressed a strong dislike for Vick compared to Woods.

The survey was conducted by Nielsen and E-Poll Market Research. Scores were derived from the total percentage of fans that claim their view of an athlete is "dislike"; "dislike a lot" or "dislike somewhat." The field is limited to those registering at least 10% awareness with the general public.

Busch's score came in at 42 percent.

Since Busch was the only NASCAR driver to crack the poll, he unofficially picks up the title of NASCAR's most disliked driver. At least for the time being.

To see more of the Forbes poll, gohere.

Story from here.
KuBu has the chance to turn this all around in 2012 but will he? A win at Daytona and how he handles it sure would make things interesting.
I can see folks not liking Michael Vick , but Tiger Woods ? He just had an affair , come on .
I can see folks not liking Michael Vick , but Tiger Woods ? He just had an affair , come on .

People jump on bandwagons. If enough people say hate or like this person a lot of people will do it just to fit in. Sometimes it's a valid reason to dislike someone and sometimes it's just the popular thing.
If he'd send me a Liftime supply of peanut M&M's I'd hit the like button......maybe.
Kid can drive but he sure has a personalty issue :(
Dave Newton still has his panties in a knot from last year. He tweets everything negative he can find about KB, even if it's a brief mention in an article nobody cares about. Newton, Fryer, Spencer, Jerry Punch.....Kurt sure went out of his way to make enemies in the media.
I can see folks not liking Michael Vick , but Tiger Woods ? He just had an affair , come on .
kris humpries just married kim kardasian and he was hated more than busch. who can tell me which nba team he plays for without the use of google? think forbes readers get their sports news more from tabloids than actually following the sports.
Just thinking about Peanut M&M's got me so excited I mispelled Peanut :laugh:
Dave Newton still has his panties in a knot from last year. He tweets everything negative he can find about KB, even if it's a brief mention in an article nobody cares about. Newton, Fryer, Spencer, Jerry Punch.....Kurt sure went out of his way to make enemies in the media.

I dislike Kurt for the same reasons I dislike Newt Gingrich -- he says or does something stupid, then goes out of his way to pick a fight with the media. Then he blames the media for the backlash.
Tiger for being such a self-involved azzhole. I tend to agree. Here is a man who had it all - and it still wasn't enough. Narcissism does not play well in Middle America!
Vick for killing and fighting dogs. Woof Woof He did his time but still has the ghosts of all of those dogs nipping at his heels.
Kurt for just being Kurt. He has NEVER been a fan favorite anyway. His, "Don't you know who I am??!" rant in Arizona still rings in the ears of NA$$CAR fans and the unwarranted disrespect of Dr. Jerry Punch sealed the deal!
He deserves this designation far more than his little brother, Pee Wee!
If Kyle did somebody like he did Ron H, who was more popular than Ron H, Kyle would have gotten that trophy, not Kurt.
IMO, the Joe Gibbs image has lost a lot of luster by defending Kyle's crazy actions simply because he wins races. I'm fed up with the 'new Kyle Busch' media tour year after year. If I were Joe, I wouldn't be at the table this year. I would have Kyle go it on his own while I stay back and say "We'll have to wait and see, because this is his last chance".
IMO, the Joe Gibbs image has lost a lot of luster by defending Kyle's crazy actions simply because he wins races. I'm fed up with the 'new Kyle Busch' media tour year after year. If I were Joe, I wouldn't be at the table this year. I would have Kyle go it on his own while I stay back and say "We'll have to wait and see, because this is his last chance".
I agree with the fender . Joe Gibbs is not the owner for these guys . Maybe his sons can deal with the Busch boys , but I think that it is more likely that they will end up with another owner .Possibly on the same team ,or maybe not. Unless they lose their talent, they will be in Nascar for a long time though.
Kurt Busch, smiling, on making Forbes' most disliked professional athletes list: "I went from third to 10th, so I think I improved."
If Home Depot leaves they might not need a replacement driver.

If Home Depot leaves? Leaves where? Besides cellphones, and driving cars, people have houses. LOWES AND HOME DEPOT have the most to gain than almost any other sponsor out there. It would be a grave mistake by HOME DEPOT if they ever did that.
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