Congratulations to the whole RCR organization

Why does FOX have such a fascination with Jeff Burton's wife?
Yeah, i liked seeing his wife and kids their. Thats awsome. Who says this isnt a family sport.
Why does FOX have such a fascination with Jeff Burton's wife?

It's not just Fox, it goes back to his first wins in 97 before Fox even had Nascar coverage. Every network that's broadcast a race that he's either won or almost won has shown her in the last laps. First, she's there on the box when most other wifes seem to be either at home or in the RV, and second, she's fun to watch get all wound up near the finish and then go ape-sh!t when he wins.
Yep, this goes back a long way. Anyone remember Joe Nemeck's mother Martha? The first time this bothered me was during the Indy 500 on ABC. That was when Sandy Andretti was always in the pits in her million dollar ensemble. What a snob she was and I'm so glad that Michael got rid of her. But I digress. It's all in the director's hands. The more "artsy fartsy" they are, the more they will show stuff other than what's on the track. They'll tell you that they want to show the emotions of those involved in the sport. Certainly, I couldn't care less what the wife of anyone feels about the race, unless it's something that will make the news...such as one of the wives/girlfriends attacking another. Now that I could watch, but not during the last few laps. Show that after the race and for cryin' out loud, get a reporter in there to interview those involved. :)
Congrats to Jeff Burton and the entire RCR team for their first ever 1-2-3 finish.
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