Cool Site


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jun 11, 2002
Marietta, GA
The "how to use this site" section here was too good to pass up so I'll give it to you here so you can just jump in: "Welcome to Movie Bloopers! The first site on the internet devoted to mistakes in the movies we love. Using Movie Bloopers is very easy. On your left, you will see a list of blooper categories. These bloopers are visitor submitted bloopers. These bloopers are updated daily and contain a text description of the blooper. Across the top you will see blooper categories as well. These are our featured bloopers..."

Are you ready to dive in? Well that's fabulous because they have oodles of categories for you to search through. Like what? You ask. Well, how about: Action, Comedy, Cult Classics, Drama, Horror, SciFi, and for those of you who love it, Star Wars.

Choose the section of movies you want to view and pick a title off the list. Then you will get text and pictures to view. This site is awesome!
Sorry, I posted on the wrong place and I know better. Please move to the correct place.
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