Costly game of golf


Oct 30, 2002
NJ to NC to FL
Four old high school buddies met on the golf course Saturday at 8AM, a Texas Tech alum, a Baylor Bear, a t-sip, and a Texas Aggie.

The tech alum said "This is an expensive round of golf. I had to promise my wife new storm windows so I could come play golf today. It's costing me about $8,000."

The Baylor grad said, "That's nothing. I had to promise my wife that we'd increase our tithe to 15%. With my salary, that's going to cost me and extra $10,000 per year.

The t-sip said, "you guys got off light. I had to promise my wife a new BMW. That's about $80K I'm in the hole and we haven't even teed off yet".

Rock, the good ole boy Texas Aggie, said "Boys, you're doing it all wrong. I patted my wife on the butt at 5AM and said, golf course or intercourse. She said wear your sweater, it's chilly this morning".
Oldie but goody golf joke:

Wife: "How was your golf game honey?"

Husband: "It was physically and emotionally exhausting Dear...I'm totally worn out."

Wife: "My gracious!...what happened?"

Husband: "Well old Charlie was in our group today and on the third hole he hit his tee shot, grabbed his chest in pain, and dropped to the ground."

Wife: "OMG, that is terrible!"

Husband: "No kidding it was brutal...for the rest of the day it was hit your shot, drag Charlie - hit your shot, drag Charlie."
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