Crown Royal



Nascar said no to crown royals parent company sponsoring Jeff Burton, but ISC will take there money and let them sponsor Daytona, as long as the Frances get there money, who cares if a team has money or not. how many members from ISC are part of NASCAR??
just plain disgusting! :angry: That's the problem, you can't have a sponser with out NASCAR's approval, but as you bring a sponser willing to put up cash NASCAR picks your pockets to get the cash for themselves. There should be absolutly NO "Official Sponsers to NASCAR unless they sponser a car also. If that's not a conflict of interest I don't know what is!!
There should be absolutly NO "Official Sponsers to NASCAR unless they sponser a car also.
damn that is a great rule, maybe they should consider that.
Nascar felt the money was better in their hands than in Jack Roush's hands. ;)

Note: This is a slam on Nascar not Roush. ;)
Seems typical of everything that has happened lately!
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