Cutting through the BS--Memorial Day, 2014


Toyota Gazoo Racing North America
Jan 12, 2014
I can sit here and make a huge deal out of a race because of those who lost their lives fighting for me to be able to do so. To all of those who serve, served, died serving, and intend to serve--THANK YOU. Memorial Day matters.
Those guys made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our way of life, so we could have days like today and even events like this. Celebrate their sacrifice by living your life like normal. Everyone though just always remember, not just this weekend but everyday, remember those serving and sacrificing for all of us.
Today reminds all of us that freedom isn't free. Thank you to all who have served and are serving, especially those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom.:salute:
On every visit we have to the USA, the one thing that never gets old is the respect we witness for past and present troops, acknowledgement for the sacrifices made and the outright patriotism that is shown with support our troops ribbons, stickers and of course the American Flag displayed everywhere.
You have an incredible country with increadible people doing increadible things, and I know we are fortunate enought to experience this a number of times and also have USA friends which we call family.
God bless to you all and your country.
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The race today was secondary. This is Memorial Day. Time to reflect and give thanks to those that fought for or lost their lives so that we may live in the country that allows the most personal freedoms for it's citizens. We will kick the ****t out of anyone that tries to take that from us.
My cousin (is really like my brother) text me yesterday that he was gonna go see his dad, my uncle. I had a lot of respect for this man. He was in Saipan in WWII when he was 19. Giant brass balls. He came home and supported a wife and six kids. He died a few years ago. The military showed up, played taps and folded a flag for my aunt. I respected that man for who he was and what he stood for. We had our disagreements. He was a drag racer, a stock car racer and a mechanic. He would not work on Jap cars.
My dad was a Navy man, my older brother was a Marine in the Vietnam era but did not see combat. My cousin currently is an Army Ranger. My other cousin was married to a Navy Seal (now deceased.)
We need to be grateful for those that live and die so that we have American liberties. We must never forget.
Im a Canuck, but I am thankful for what the USA has done and the sacrifices made.
God Bless the USA

As a side note, I did not know Mike Joy was a veteran of Vietnam.
My Father was a VFW wounded in action during the Battle of the Bulge. Kind of a funny story he used to tell, was that his official draft notice was forwarded to him while on the front lines. He gave it to his LT because he was supposed to report for his induction or face prison. His LT said he didn't have much to worry about and if they came and got him, prison would be a much better place to be than the Elsenborn Ridge Where they were.
Just a reminder, not everyone that has fought or died for this country has been in a uniform. There are a great many civilians that have given everything for this country. (AVG Flying Tigers are a good example.) So let us all pay homage to all that have sacrificed for this country, whether they are soldier, sailor, or civilian. A side note to Danica Freak and all Canadians. Your country has, without question, the best National anthem in the world. I know this sounds silly, but I get a little misty every time I hear it. It is always done the way it was written, without any ad lib or personalization. It stirs me in a way that our National Anthem does not, and I don't know why.
My Father was a VFW wounded in action during the Battle of the Bulge. Kind of a funny story he used to tell, was that his official draft notice was forwarded to him while on the front lines. He gave it to his LT because he was supposed to report for his induction or face prison. His LT said he didn't have much to worry about and if they came and got him, prison would be a much better place to be than the Elsenborn Ridge Where they were.

Thank you for sharing that story. That is awesome. Respect.
I wish they'd stop wasting money on Memorial Day celebrations and spend it on counseling and therapy for the young men suffering debilitating PTSD after returing from overseas. They deserve better.
i agree on the counseling & therapy, but no way is it a waste of anything on a Memorial Day celebration.
I wish they'd stop wasting money on Memorial Day celebrations and spend it on counseling and therapy for the young men suffering debilitating PTSD after returing from overseas. They deserve better.
Join the military, fight in a war and get back to us on that. The recognition and celebrations of their service help some Vet's deal with their demons.
I get such mixed feelings on Memorial Day. I can't help but feel so many people gave their lives for wars that were not worth fighting for and it just makes me angry.
respect for military......check out sentinel at arlington.
24/7 --yr round tomb of unknown soldiers.
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