Dancing with the stars


Dirt Track Fanatic
Nov 14, 2007
Poquoson, VA
I can proudly say that I never have, and never will watch more than a minute or two of this crap, but thought it was funny that everyone favorite TV prosecutor, Nancy Grace, will be one of the dancers. Her, along with recent man-thing Chas Bono....:eek:
I can proudly say that I never have, and never will watch more than a minute or two of this crap, but thought it was funny that everyone favorite TV prosecutor, Nancy Grace, will be one of the dancers. Her, along with recent man-thing Chas Bono....:eek:

Maybe Nancy will fall flat on her face or some other place then I'll youtube it to see it as I'll never watch this show.
I can proudly say that I never have, and never will watch more than a minute or two of this crap, but thought it was funny that everyone favorite TV prosecutor, Nancy Grace, will be one of the dancers. Her, along with recent man-thing Chas Bono....:eek:

I don't watch that crap either, but I'm curious...will Chas lead or follow :confused:
That is one seriously confused individual.
I know virtually nothing about any of these people except Ron Artest. I am a huge basketball fan and so I know quite a bit about him . He has some pretty crazy moments, but for the most part he is pretty well behaved when he isn't on the court (or in the stands of the Palace of Auburn Hills :rolleyes: ). He is in the process of legally changing his name to Metta World Peace. So far the courts won't let him do so because he owes some unpaid parking tickets. I just can't see him doing anything crazy in a setting like this however.

I only know enough about Nancy Grace to not like her. I saw her on Jay Leno once and she seemed like a pretty lousy human being.

Other than that, I don't really know anything about these other "stars". That seems like a real stretch of the term "stars".

I've only seen a few "reality shows". Most of them are pretty annoying, but a few are interesting enough to keep me watching. Sons Of Guns, NY Ink and LA Ink are considered "reality shows" I think. I watch those and like them for the most part. There does seem to be a significant amount of made up story lines as I would guess there is in pretty much all of them.
Ben One, Chaz Bono is the former Chastity Bono, daughter of Sony and Cher. Now you know the rest of the story as Paul Harvey used to say.
In a no holds barred Texas style Cage death match between Nancy Grace or Delana Harvick who would win?
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