Dave's Stories

Yup, they are cool. Did you read the first one about the rainout win at Richmond? NASCAR was torked.

I've been in contact with the webmaster and there is going to be some new FAQ's posted this weekend. I of course want to know the real story behind Dale getting the better of the two cars that one year at Daytona but webmaster Darren Jones who will run The Camp 28 car in ASA next year....he tried to make a couple three races this year....told me I didn't get my question in in time.
Originally posted by 71Fan@Oct 4 2003, 08:17 AM
Yup, they are cool. Did you read the first one about the rainout win at Richmond? NASCAR was torked.

Yeah I did read that one. It makes me wonder who NASCAR wanted to win that race ^_^
Funny is that after Dega, neither Mikey or Jr's car was checked for rear end ride hieght after DEI had problems getting the cars thru pre-race.

Funnier is that Mikey actually believes the hype. :D
Ya know TRL, I think I might know one of the reasons why Jr tries so dern hard all the time and which might be an explanation for his seeming constant frustration.

Unlike Mikey, he knows that he gets the breaks and just expects to show better considering that fact.....errrr oops....I mean possibillity :D
I'm kinda new here.

Enjoyed reading the Marcis story.......thanks.
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