I think Booty Barker says it pretty well.
I think Booty Barker says it pretty well.
But only once. It becomes belittlement when you do it over and over and over again. It begans to weight heavy on the crew and working under pressure is never good.
Overall though, if you want to call out your team do it behind close doors so it doesn't become a huge distraction to you and your team and keep the public and media from hounding you every chance they get.
I don't have a problem with it IF it happens a lot like it did Harvick this year. BUT it goes both ways when the driver screws up, does he take responsibility when he screws up? I have heard a few drivers apologize.I say no, maybe it was turn abouts fair play if the pit crew was to call out a driver, but we know Nascar and teams would never let that happen. So it's kinda like shooting fish in a barrel, one sided. A crew could have been on their game all night long and the driver makes a bonehead move, costs a race or a race car and their hard work goes away. It is a TEAM.
You don't put your dirty laundry on the street! Drivers should Shut The F up with anything negative about his team in a live interview. He has the radio during the race to get on their ass all he wants.
That's not much better, waiting during the race to ream the pit crew a new one. . . .half the grand stand will hear it via the radios fans rent to follow their favorite drivers. My opinion is N O. . . .no. It's counter productive and screams negativity. I've always thought that guys like Ubur dramatic Harvick, Kyle and Kurt Busch to name a few, need to shut up until the team meetings on Monday after they've had a chance to cool down. Nobody's perfect. Everybody makes mistakes, we're only human, not machines and that even includes all the super duper star drivers.
We only see snapshots, and not the entirety. A few moments on camera assigns a life time tag, truly representive or not.
If a crew and driver stay together for long period they probably have a good working relationship.
But I am BS ing a little, any prop to post that video.
I'll admit, I laughed at that. That was just....beautiful.
He was obviously drunk and very embarrassed afterwards. I feel bad for him, his intentions and heart was on the right thing a very worthwhile mission,, but some things should never be said. Especially on National TV.
I wanna kiss you should never be said on television?
Maybe if he wasn't like a hundred years old and she wasn't that young, it'd be cool. Or if she was receptive but neither was the case here.