I love it...Jimmie Jo! Maj, forgive me but I think that's the funniest thing I've read here in a long while.
Once again, this thread shows how emotional and passionate we can/are when it comes to this wonderful sport. For all you Jimmie Jo fans, and Bobby La, or Marky Mar, etc. I feel for ya, but if not for your bad luck, my boy Kasey wouldn't have done so well, if you call finishing 25th good. Those Evernham cars weren't worth a crap from the word go and Scotty was the best all day/night long.
As for the final caution, this isn't anything new. And for those of you who still hate plate racing, why on earth are you still watching them? We've been over this before, but from where I sit, follow the leader racing is fine and dandy, but when you can get three/four or even five wide racing, and there are 30 or more cars in a grouping, well, while it might not be racing to some, it sure as hell is exciting because one never knows what is going to happen. And to that point, I find it amazing that the wrecks that did happen, we didn't see the "big one". Will wonders never cease.
One last thing for you Jimmie Jo and Bobby La fans, you aren't the only ones who are pining after this race. Po little Jeffy Go and crew, who pretty much had THE car, found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. And though we'll never know what could have been, that's the way this sport is.
PS. If Tony continues to win and climb the fences, he just might lose a little weight and that could help him in the long run.