December 7,1941



A day that will live in Infamy!

And a special thank you to all those who have, and those who still do, serve our country.
Although I wasn't around in '41, I clearly remember my grandparents and parents telling me about that day. My father was stationed at Pearl in '42.

My thanks to all who served and still serve this great country.
God BLESS ALL who have or are serving. My FIL was there, and my Dad was ready to serve. Dad ended up in Japan in '42.
We ALL need to honor the lives of all who serve and have served to help keep our glorious country FREE from tyranny. The sacrifice was huge, and I Pray that all our troops will be back in The Land Of The Free And The Home Of The Brave very soon.
Today is a day to forget political agendas and pay tribute to those who have sacrificed so much to keep our country free.

Thank you to those who have served and to those who currently serve.
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