World class whiner.
World class whiner.
Like the broadcasters said....kes just got to him and never tried to make a clean pass before hitting him....If Kyle did this...You would have the opposite comment.
And Honcho...Looking doesn't mean he's under you....It means LOOKING
people will see it one way or the other.... but to me he got dumped......
Denny is the idiot here.
In his interview he says that Brad can't drive yet later he says he has tons of talent. WTF Denny which is it. Also trying to say its him not having much Cup experience...Hello Denny this is the Nationwide Series. You came to race with him. If you gonna cry when you get bumped then stay home and don't play. I swear Denny is an idiot sometimes.
Brad might have been at fault idc. But Denny just makes himself look like an idiot when he talks.
I haven't been a big Hamlin fan, but Brad has gotten to be a real smart-ass in a short period of time. He acts like he's been driving cup for years and years. I used to like him, but not anymore.