**** DirecTV


I love short track racing (Taylor's Version)
Feb 16, 2009
A short track somewhere
They drop Versus.

They drop ESPN2's NHRA coverage.

It goes out everytime the wind blows.

I can't wait for Verizon FIOS.
If you can't get Fios soon you could always get cable or Dish Network until then.
I've been with DirecTV for about 5 years now. In that time, I think the service has dropped on us less than 10 times. So, I guess you could say I'm happy with it. But largely because we've never had a major problems.
I got DirecTV because cable is $70/month for 20 channels and $110/month for basic plus.

I think you need to move or something. We get more than 100 channels and even more if you have HD (with no extra cost) not to mention if you wanted to get Showtime, HBO, etc. We only pay a little over $60 and that's an increase from the last year or two. If you wanted to count the music channels and others that we never watch, we actually get a few hundred channels. Granted, some of them are repeat channels from the lower tier, but there are channels which run in the higher tiers which aren't on the lower tier. And yes, we have SPEED, Versus and ESPN Classic on our digital cable.
Andy, don't move to NC. Direct TV, Dish TV and any cable will cost you well over $300 a month. You can't afford that so move up north. I hear they have plenty for free. Besides, you wouldn't like it here in NC. BP and I live here.
If the TV goes out every time the wind blows, sounds like the dish or the arm with the receiver is loose.

Had to tighten my dish after a heavy windstorm.
beats the heck out of crapcast! comcrap.... oh yeah...comcast:sarcasm:
I have Direct and love it. Mine doesn't go out with the wind blows!!!!! You need to get your cr@p checked out Andy.
I have DirecTV and I only lose signal when we get a pretty bad storm. You kind of expect that when you are getting your signal through the air. I hated cable the whole time I had it. It seemed to go out as much, if not more, than my satelite does. Cable just doesn't have nearly enough HD channels for my tastes. Once you watch sports in HD, it is really hard to watch them without it.
If the TV goes out every time the wind blows, sounds like the dish or the arm with the receiver is loose.

Had to tighten my dish after a heavy windstorm.
At our old house, we NEVER lost it once I took the liberty to set the indexes on my own, without a meter (using just the on-screen beeper) on a partly cloudy day. Here at the new house, it goes out in a fog. I asked the tech that put it in, he said that anytime you set up a satelite in direct sunlight, you're going to get erroneous setting on the meter they use because it will pick up some off-band light from the sun. The optimal time to calibrate a satelite is in cloudy conditions (but not too cloudy). Also, it depends on the satelite and transponder choice, as well.
The bigger the dish the better the signal. When I was on DirecTV I used an old Prime Star dish that I mounted the feed horn to. I've got some friends who still have a 5 foot mesh dish they put their feed horn on. They never lose the signal. Its all about the footprint.
I've read of some people going that, and it working real well..like you said, bigger dish is better. The old house was the 3 LNB oval unit..i forget what we're on now..it's still oval, but only 1 physical LNB (I think it has 3 inside).

from the black box:

dish type: Slimeline-3
Zip Code- 76063
Azimuth: 182 degrees
Elevation: 51 degrees
Tilt: 83 degrees

Satelite: 101 degrees (A)

Transponder links:
1-8: 98 81 95 0 95 97 95 97
9-16: 95 91 95 100 96 99 94 99
17-24: 96 0 96 100 96 99 96 99
25-32: 97 70 97 0 97 98 95 99
You can probably find a 5 foot mesh dish pretty cheap not being used. Run an ad on Craigslist. If I can hook the horn up I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have any problems.
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