Do you Like DW as a TV guy?

Do You Like DW as a TV guy?

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Ok with the long thread abotu DW I thought it would be good to get a number of how many peopel like DW on TV. This has nothing to do with his racing carreer just him on TV
I think he is starting to get a good repor with hammonds. They give good perspective of what a driver wants versus what the crew chief wants.
I'd rather listen to Benny Parsons but DW doesn't bother me. You could have worse.
DW is like hot peppers. In limited doses they're just fine. But in excess they give me the runs.
I like DW and all but I will admit one thing He needs to get more creative with "Boogity Boogity Boogity"!! Now he just says it bc he is now known for it. Like Madden with "Boom" or Dick Vitel with "Boom Baby", but they change it up everyonce in a while!!
I have said all along that Fox is much better than NBC,that goes for their commentators also. Better coverage ,better reports,better camera angles, the entire package is far above NBC. And to answer the question i like DW .....a lot!
As it has been said in this, and several other, threads: DW can and does get annoying. If you don't like to listen, then change the channel, use your mute button on your remote control, or listen to MRN/PRN radio for the race broadcast. I LIKE to listen to DW for the most part. I think he is a very, uh shall we say "interesting" He can be totally assinine or completely sincere in the same sentence. Take him with a grain of salt if you must, but, please........quit whining!!!! :lol:
I don't think he's the worse person to see on tv......I like FOX A LOT BETTER so, I better be happy with whatever he says.
I CAN'T STAND DW! All the "Boogity boogity boogity" crap gets sooooo annoying. It would also be nice if he could actualy talk in proper english, he just seems so unprofesional as does most of the fox crew when they don't use proper english.
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