driver wanted

thats all you need- I believe the nascar rulebook last i checked stated one only needs a state drivers license to drive in any of the 3 top series.
16 do u have yahoo if so contact me there at cwolf2044.i will add u to my list

To secure and mantain a NASCAR Competitor license as a race driver, a NASCAR member at a minimun must:

(1) Be at least 18 years of age.

(2) If requested by NASCAR Officials, submit to and pass driving ability tests conducted by and at the descretion of NASCAR Officials, whose decision as to the applicant's driving ability is final and binding on the applicant.

(3) Be physically fit as determined in the sole discretion of NASCAR. In that regard, NASCAR may require a Competitor or applicant to submit to and pass one or more physical examinations by a qualified physician(s).

(4) Execute and deliver to NASCAR such authorizations, releases, applications, consents, waivers, resumes and other documents as may be required by NASCAR from time to time.

The above requirements are from the 2003 Grand National rulebook; the latest edition that I have handy here at home.
Id really like to do it but I need training and experience, but I have 1 more year of college left. I have raw talent and a stong will but need teaching. But I think this guy is a fraud.
No, I dont have any connections to anyone in racing except my former girlfriend's uncle was Tony Raines's Crew Chief when he was in Craftsman Truck. I want to get into racing after college but with no money, experience, too much mechanical know-how I really dont know how it will be possible.
oh yea? you have my aim address on my profile, if your the real deal then provide some concrete evidence.
sorry i dont have time for this if u a for real then call me
thank you chris wolf
race driver

sorry i dont take cc and i dont take wantabe drivers real men only.thank you for your reply chris wolf
race driver

no want to help someone who in otherwords would not have a chance to race big time
thank you for your replys chris wolf
My grandpa actually raced in Nascar back in the 60's. He was number 45. He finished second in his first race. Sadly, he got mad and quit. He then had his NASCAR license stolen from him. They were in the trunk of his car.
no want to help someone who in otherwords would not have a chance to race big time
thank you for your replys chris wolf


'Chris' doesn't speak English all that well, especially for someone in the 'position' to sponsoring a driver.

Sounds a bit phishy to me.

But, if you really think someone is going to look for a driver on a web-forum, go ahead and send this guy all your info. (I'm sure you only have to pay 50 bucks to be considered!)

By the way Chris, if you really ARE looking for a driver, look no further. Here I am. If you send me a $150,000 signing bonus, I'm yours! (Hendrick and Roushe are still fighting over hurry up and get my check in the mail!)

Better make that $200,000...Ricky H. just called back!

He may be the real deal-guys, I did talk to him last night for a few mins. If he is fake then he is really really good at it.
He told me that he is with "Boys will be Boys Racing" I did a google search and no real results came up. Plus who the hell looks for drivers on a racing board on the internet? Is that the best way they can recruit?
It is not that easy or simple. We had , our driver at the time, an experienced road racing "female" driver that drove in the Trans Am Series for us apply for a Nascar permit to run the 2 road tracks. One of the good teams was going to sell us their car from the previous year, another team was going to rent us an engine. Nascar said no due to the fact she did not have "enough" experience running in the T.A. Series. Previously she had won the Canadian Formula Drivers Championship. My point is that you need a certain amount of experience as determined by Nascar before being approved to race in Nascar Cup.
From what he told me was, "start in ARCA, and if you are good about midway in the year we will get bodine come down and watch you race and try to get you an nascar permit for the trucks"
my dad can drive
he has a lot of dirt track experience i will tell him and email u about it
chris um...... if my dad does not get a hold of u then i need to no where do u live???
and what qualfations u have
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