Drivers' high school pics

Why did Jeff ever leave the weird mustache and mullet look?:D
Only one I didn't get was Kasey Kahne. I was really thrown by the Eminem look he had workin'. It took me a few extra seconds to get Tony Stewart as his look has changed a lot since then, braces, weight difference, etc. But the eyes were the dead give away.

How could they not comment on Jimmie Johnson's hairstyle in the before pic? Wow, that was rough, I don't care when it was taken. I could see Michael "don't ask, don't tell" Waltrip with that look, but I've never doubted JJ's orientation. Even after that picture I don't but that's still pretty fruity.
I got 'em all right. Tony Stewart almost threw me for a loop though. Looks like he worked in the AV club:D
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