Driving Rant


The iRacing Guru
Sep 29, 2009
I drive alot, it's required of me because of my business. Sometimes I have to travel on the Interstates. What I really hate is getting onto the on ramp behind someone, because 99% of the time, that person will not speed up to 65 mph until at the last possible minute. Which is what I don't understand. They'll hang around the 40 mph area until I get frustrated, push the gas pedal down, merge onto the interstate two lanes over and speed up to 70 mph while on the Interstate! I mean don't these people realize that we have On and off ramps for a reason?!

I swear, if they made getting a driving license as hard as they make getting a Private Pilot License, not only would there be less cars on the road, but less crappy driving as well.
I drive alot, it's required of me because of my business. Sometimes I have to travel on the Interstates. What I really hate is getting onto the on ramp behind someone, because 99% of the time, that person will not speed up to 65 mph until at the last possible minute. Which is what I don't understand. They'll hang around the 40 mph area until I get frustrated, push the gas pedal down, merge onto the interstate two lanes over and speed up to 70 mph while on the Interstate! I mean don't these people realize that we have On and off ramps for a reason?!

I swear, if they made getting a driving license as hard as they make getting a Private Pilot License, not only would there be less cars on the road, but less crappy driving as well.

I agree with you. If I'm clear in the mirrors, I usually just drop to 2nd gear, pull out and slingshot them the second it goes to a broken white line. And I carry highway speed on offramps until the grass starts on the left, then I'll start coasting and braking.
That absolutely drives me nuts, the other day guy in front of me was doing like 45 getting on. I'm on his ass to speed up trucks are practically running me off the road yet this guy would not speed up. I let the tractor trailer go by, whipped over to the fast lane pulled along side the slow poke and went WTF! Some people just do not have a damn clue and this guy was not an out of state driver either.
Your problem was running into a Ma driver in Ma.:)

People who stop on interstate on ramps waiting for a space to merge into ought to be publicly flogged.:D
I don't understand how these people think they can "merge" in to traffic if they are going so much slower than the traffic they are trying to merge into.

When I exit the off ramp I'm doing at least the speed limit if not more.
What is worse is 5 cars coming into merge all at once with no space in between them.

NO! You don't get to merge as a pack in front of me. I'm not moving over for you. Learn how to have spaces in between and take turns alternating with the oncoming traffic.

And use your signal! I won't move a 65 ft. rig over for anyone that doesn't use a signal. Don't like it........... tough ****. It's not only a matter of courtesy; it is also the law.
Unfortunately G, if going 65 and you leave more than 10 feet between you and the car in front some ying yang yahoo will try to squeeze in.

I have also given up giving the one finger salute ever since it was returned by the guy waving a gun.

In RI the use of turn signals is optional. Thought you'd like to know.
Unfortunately G, if going 65 and you leave more than 10 feet between you and the car in front some ying yang yahoo will try to squeeze in.

I have also given up giving the one finger salute ever since it was returned by the guy waving a gun.

In RI the use of turn signals is optional. Thought you'd like to know.

same her in Ma., it is considered a sign of weakness
Your problem was running into a Ma driver in Ma.:)

People who stop on interstate on ramps waiting for a space to merge into ought to be publicly flogged.:D

Not just ramps onto the interstate, but ANY ramps. I rear-ended someone a couple weeks ago, because the guys in fron of him did just that; stopped in the merge lane.
This throws me into a blind rage when people just meander along trying to get on the interstate. I had this bastard the other day hit his brakes hard because he got scared at the last minute trying to get on, I had to launch over on the shoulder and floor it to avoid getting killed. My options were to (1) try and beat the 18 wheeler that scared him 100 yards back that is now almost right next to me because jackhole nailed his brakes, (2) rear end jackhole and get rearended myself or (3) punch it and use the shoulder to pass everybody. I chose three with my heart racing like I was on a 5 day coke binge. I don't understand what the hell people are thinking trying to get on the interstate.
This throws me into a blind rage when people just meander along trying to get on the interstate. I had this bastard the other day hit his brakes hard because he got scared at the last minute trying to get on, I had to launch over on the shoulder and floor it to avoid getting killed. My options were to (1) try and beat the 18 wheeler that scared him 100 yards back that is now almost right next to me because jackhole nailed his brakes, (2) rear end jackhole and get rearended myself or (3) punch it and use the shoulder to pass everybody. I chose three with my heart racing like I was on a 5 day coke binge. I don't understand what the hell people are thinking trying to get on the interstate.

Been there, done that. Some of the mergeways on I-20 are short and some even sart as 2 anes and merge to one, and people will just get all kinds of confused. Add 18 wheelers, and it's a wonder it doesnt happen more often. I've had to race a few 18 wheelers myself because my choices were race it, or get squeezed into the armco.
This throws me into a blind rage when people just meander along trying to get on the interstate. I had this bastard the other day hit his brakes hard because he got scared at the last minute trying to get on, I had to launch over on the shoulder and floor it to avoid getting killed. My options were to (1) try and beat the 18 wheeler that scared him 100 yards back that is now almost right next to me because jackhole nailed his brakes, (2) rear end jackhole and get rearended myself or (3) punch it and use the shoulder to pass everybody. I chose three with my heart racing like I was on a 5 day coke binge. I don't understand what the hell people are thinking trying to get on the interstate.

It's called intimidation, if you did what you just described that person doing on Rt 128 here in Ma., your car would be totalled.
You all have noticed that the people that are overly cautious are the one that are the most dangerous and cause problems everyone else around them. It should be legal to shoot those people for endangering our lives, to me it's just like attempted murder.
The ones that drive me nuts are the drivers here. They drive 10-15 mph UNDER the speed limit. Then, when you get to a zone where you can pass them or you slingshot to pass them, they speed up. Chances are, they're doing it just to piss people off.

Oh, and slow drivers in the left lane. It should be legal to shoot their tires out.
Oh, and don't even get me started on interstate drivers.

I leave 20 carlengths between me and the car in front of me because I have a brake problem (was driving a Fix Or Repair Daily pickup truck) and the jackasses can't utilize the space given to them. They have to come right across my front bumper - chop,chop,chop. I was so tempted to Kyle Busch each and every one of them in to the guardrail.
And the old farts. They're SCARY. They come through the parking lot at work and don't have the reaction time to hit their brakes for pedestrians.

You should have to retake the drivers' test once you turn 65, and every year after, to prove you have quick enough reflexes to hit the brakes when the need arises. Although, quite honestly, most people are too lazy to hit their brakes.

Cell phones are another pet peeve. Just about every time I see a stupid move, it's a woman yammering her jaws on her cell phone. These people should be shot, on sight. They just don't give a ****. Most of these people would run over somebody without hesitation and drive off.
You all have noticed that the people that are overly cautious are the one that are the most dangerous and cause problems everyone else around them. It should be legal to shoot those people for endangering our lives, to me it's just like attempted murder.

I agree. I'm used to aggressive drivers, I've learned you've got to be equally aggressive and you'll have no problems. Nine times out of ten, you can just pull off and wave them by or something and have no more problems with them.
You all have noticed that the people that are overly cautious are the one that are the most dangerous and cause problems everyone else around them. It should be legal to shoot those people for endangering our lives, to me it's just like attempted murder.


The ones most dangerous are the people who throw all caution to the wind and don't respect the rules of the road and could care less about others.

Overly cautious people are a problem but not anywhere near the problem of those that change lanes.... turn..... or get on and off the highway without using signals, use sloppy wheel handling and drive across the center line, or feel it is their right to drive 20 mph over the speed limit. Throw in failure to use caution in wet weather and you have the real problems out on the highway.

The ones most dangerous are the people who throw all caution to the wind and don't respect the rules of the road and could care less about others.

Overly cautious people are a problem but not anywhere near the problem of those that change lanes.... turn..... or get on and off the highway without using signals, use sloppy wheel handling and drive across the center line, or feel it is their right to drive 20 mph over the speed limit. Throw in failure to use caution in wet weather and you have the real problems out on the highway.
While I agree with you on how dangerous those people are, I think the most dangerous are those people who are in a hurry and don't even know it. Younger drivers are so much in a hurry, yet when they get to where they are going, they don't know what to do.

Like the old military saying goes, hurry up and wait. As for me, I'll continue to drive defensively and avoid the gun toting idiot. Wanna cut him off or flip him off, be my guest. You just never know!!!!!

The ones most dangerous are the people who throw all caution to the wind and don't respect the rules of the road and could care less about others.

Overly cautious people are a problem but not anywhere near the problem of those that change lanes.... turn..... or get on and off the highway without using signals, use sloppy wheel handling and drive across the center line, or feel it is their right to drive 20 mph over the speed limit. Throw in failure to use caution in wet weather and you have the real problems out on the highway.

I'll go along with that, those bastards are worse. Ever notice that the jerks that drive like that on the highway are usually in a piece of crap car? Trash bag for a side window, duct tape for a tail light cover, you know damn well the tires have no tread on them and the car is just beat to all hell.

I'll throw in the bastards that change lanes for no reason what so ever. Or the ones who get into the left lane, just to be a dick, as your coming up on them to pass, even though there is nobody in front of them they are trying to pass. I've scared the living **** out of a couple of those people.
The ones that drive me nuts are the drivers here. They drive 10-15 mph UNDER the speed limit. Then, when you get to a zone where you can pass them or you slingshot to pass them, they speed up. Chances are, they're doing it just to piss people off.

Oh, and slow drivers in the left lane. It should be legal to shoot their tires out.

Last night after I got off the Interstate, I was behind this truck who was waiting to go into a truck stop. I was half a car length off of his trailer's bumper because I like to leave alittle room in case he has to back up. Well a jackass in a van and a trailer decided that was the perfect spot to squeeze on in. His trailer blocked the other lane.

If I wasn't in a hurry to get home, I would've followed him home and knocked his lights out.
Last night after I got off the Interstate, I was behind this truck who was waiting to go into a truck stop. I was half a car length off of his trailer's bumper because I like to leave alittle room in case he has to back up. Well a jackass in a van and a trailer decided that was the perfect spot to squeeze on in. His trailer blocked the other lane.

If I wasn't in a hurry to get home, I would've followed him home and knocked his lights out.

I caught a firebird WS6 and a 350Z in I-20 on my way home. I heard the firebird just in time to see him fly by next to me, and see the 350 in the 4th lane, both going a solid 80 (I was doing 65 and i might as been standing still). I flipped on my head and fog lights, and started flashing my highbeams (thus flashing the fogs as well). He throws a finger out the driver window and swings from the 3rd lane to the off-ramp lane in front of me. Unfortunately for him, it was my exit too. So we're up on the bridge (for those familiar, this is all going from I-20 west to H-287 south) and I flash my fogs, he gives me another bird and takes off. I don't think he expected a Dakota could go 55 MPH on a curved bridge that's marked 35. He finally gets caught up behind a couple of cars, so i catch up and get up along side him. Now, I aint a lip reader, but i could tell he was all kinds of pissed off. So i just got off the highway a couple exits exits early and took the back way home.

Too bad it won't teach him. If i had the PD's non-E number in my phone, i probably woulda followed him till a trooper showed up after the second bird.
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