Dumbass Democrats and "Peace" protesters


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Sep 16, 2001
Boston, MA
SCUD missles launched.

Thought he didn't have them! Thought we were just bullying him!
From what I have heard, the military has said that they were not SCUD missiles, but some type of a smaller missile with a shorter travel distance and that would travel at a lower altitude. (That they mistook them for SCUD missiles in the beginning.) (btw, I heard that on all 4 major tv stations.) This was in the discussion regarding our patriot missiles and how they have been redesigned for the better and that the military was pleased that they had used it and it had intercepted one of these smaller missiles. That the only thing that is the same on the patriot missile is it's name since it has been redesigned.

Not saying that they don't have them, but they hadn't used one yet.
One of those missles that went into Kuwait and hit nothing was a SCUD.
I heard this morning that some were SCUDS, but if not, OH WELL!
what kills me about these protesters they are not willing to fight for our country but are willing to fight in the streets and get hauled off to jail where does that make sense
You gotta love the other bits of News. Ricin poison found in FRENCH subway and suspected terrorists questioned in Germany. Guess the terrorists forget to check the news to see who was against bombing the living crap outta them.
The other thing that burns me is the fans that booed the national anthem at a hockey game in Montreal. The American team should have walked off the ice and refused to play. That would have been a nice little riot.
They can boo and protest all they want, it is not going to change a damn thing. Just saw a poll on CNN that 76% of Americans approved of a war with Iraq.

Another thing is, if the Usless Nations did there job in the first place by inforcing there sanctions, we wouldn't be in this situation.
Originally posted by pettyfan4life@Mar 21 2003, 12:27 PM
what kills me about these protesters they are not willing to fight for our country but are willing to fight in the streets and get hauled off to jail where does that make sense
Instead of anti-war protesters, they should be called anti-American. I can't believe these ignorant people. They need to go home and watch the news and see how happy the people from Iraq are that we're there. They're dancing in the streets and cheering as posters of Saddam come down. It's pretty sad when the people from Iraq are more supportive than some idiots from our own country. I think anyone who protest our President and don't support our country is nothing but a terrorist themself.
My feelings exactly, citizens of the USA who protest this war are traitors to their country....no other way around it. Yeh sure they have the right to voice their opinions, but when they go to the extreme of blocking streets and spitting in the faces of our men and women in uniform....i say let them get what they deserve>>>>> their faces shoved in the dirt and cuffs around their wrists! I have no pitty for these protestors, it makes me sick to think these people are so ignorant that they can not realize why we are doing this. With them it is all about an "agenda"......all about stealing oil, inflicting harm on innocent people, little babies being killed.......i say to these people take a trip over there and actually wittness what is happening and then maybe they will wake the hell up!!! If you don't like it leave, you have already abandoned your country by your statements and actions. This country doesn't need you! We need to do this folks, Iraq has been under Sadams' rule way too long, the liberation of Iraq will not be easy in the long run , but it is necessary!
One of the foundations on which America was founded and remains to this day is the right to dissent and the provision of forum in which to do so publically without fear of reprisal and/or repression.

One of the basic goals of the war on Irag's ruling regime is to liberate the people from a government which does not allow the freedom of thought nor the freedom of expression of those thoughts without reprisal and repression.

The glaring dichotomy of wishing repression and reprisal against that freedom in America is startling and saddening......
Yeh but when you go against your country with your opinions as many of these so called "americans " are ....is that really helping ? Is that what the Constituion was intended for? My point is that these actions of the protesters are hurting their country more than they are helping it. I am all for free speech , freedom in the media, freedom in general, obviously because i choose to live in this great country. I am not for ignorance and dissent.....this is what brings down our country. These protests are funded indirectly by outside sources that are connected to the very forces which we are fighting against around the world. Until the Democrats and protestors finally, if ever realize that what they stand for is Un-American, then maybe we can finally agree on a common goal here. The Clinton regime ,which is still very active in this country, would like for President Bush to fail misserably in Iraq. That obviously isn't going to happen, so they will look for other things to undermine the Republican party. It is sad that this country can not agree on something this important. That is just my 2 cents take it for what is is worth. :D
The freedom of opposing opinion is exactly what those tenants of the Constitution was and are intended for. What other purpose could they possibly serve?

Helping or hurting America? It is America. You recall "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" Without it there would be no America, a country created because some number of citizens were willing to stand and declare their opposition to current rule. The line of right and wrong is never so sharply defined in these issues as to allow absolutes of judgement.

Do not be deceived by the sensationalistic coverage of those opposed to this war that is provided by the media. There are thousand, no millions, of people who do not agree with this action. Their opinions and reasons for this opposition are often well thought out, reasonable and worthy of consideration. To intimate that all or even many of them are in some obscure way related through money or politics to some Un-American organization will not bear scrutiny.

And finally, and this may or may not address anything you intended, the action of disagreement does not in way hinder or alter the execution of the war plan. It is largely irrelevent to it. Nor does the opppostion to the act of war inherently necessitate the wish for any ill to befall those souls who war places in harm's way. At such time as the sheer numbers of opposition might influence this country's leaders, then that influence would be the will of the people would it not? If by direct action some member of the opposed population enters into espionage, sabotage, or some other action which presents a clear and present danger to our homeland security or the that of our military in action, that person would be of a different ilk and should and likely will be dealt with accordingly.
Originally posted by Mopardh9@Mar 22 2003, 10:15 AM
Yeh but when you go against your country with your opinions as many of these so called "americans " are ....is that really helping ? Is that what the Constituion was intended for?
That's exactly what the Constitution was intended for - the right to speak what is on your mind, even if it is in dissent to the government's actions. If everyone who went against their country in some way with their opinions was arrested, every U.S. citizen would be in jail. The first amendent provides protection for freedom of speech, the press, religion, and peaceful assembley. I have no problems with anyone expressing their opinion, even if I don't agree with it, because that's what our Founding Fathers intended to happen. I also don't have a problem with anti-war demonstrations, as long as they are peaceful. When they get violent as many of the recent ones have, then that's something that needs to be controlled. But as long as you can demonstrate your opposition to war in a peaceful, "civilized" way, then I'm all for letting it happen.
Ok i pose these questions: It has been proven that many of these so called "peacefull" protests have been connected to and funded by outside sources that want to ruin this country...is that right? Do these people who are involved with these rallies even know that? I doub it.....all they see is a cause they think is the "cool " thing to join or they genuinely feel that peace, no matter what that entails is always the right thing to do. I still feel that all these war protests are hurting the USA in maybe a minute amount now, but if it is to grow larger and encouraged, it will divide this country. I'm not saying that these people should not be allowed to protest, i'm saying they need to look closely at why they are protesting and what they are protesting. Basically what i'm trying to convey is: Is it right To protest a war that is necessary to rid the world of an evil tyrant? I wasn't around in WW2, but were there protests like this back then? Protests to rid the world of Hitler? The analogy is the same: Sadam= Hilter, no differnce when you come right down to it....IMO. Jim
Originally posted by Mopardh9@Mar 22 2003, 12:31 PM
I wasn't around in WW2, but were there protests like this back then? Protests to rid the world of Hitler?
There were hardly any protests in WW2. You know why? Because the Japanese attacked us pre-emptively at Pearl Harbor, and therefore much of the population believed that the attack justified U.S. involvement. The two most unpopular U.S. wars in history were World War I and Vietnam, because those were wars where the U.S. entered pre-emptively - nobody had provoked us, but we went to war, and a lot of people wren't happy with that. I think the main sticking point of the anti-war protesters is that (at least in their minds) it is a pre-emptive, unprovoked attack on another country. If they want to use that as their justification for protesting, more power to them. Like I said before, I support the rights of these people to speak out against this war and protest - at least the government isn't passing laws to prohibit such actions, like they did in World War I. On the other hand, I think it's downright hilarious that some people are resorting to violence as a means of protesting the violence of war.
Hmm ok what would you call 9/11 then? Wasn't that an attack on our country? And yes it is all connected to Sadam! ;)
Well Busch race is on...debate this later with you guys...enjoy! :cheers:
Originally posted by Mopardh9@Mar 22 2003, 09:50 AM
Hmm ok what would you call 9/11 then? Wasn't that an attack on our country? And yes it is all connected to Sadam!  ;)
Is there any proof that Saddam is connected to Al Qaeda?
Originally posted by gordon24fan@Mar 22 2003, 03:29 PM
Is there any proof that Saddam is connected to Al Qaeda?
Does Iraq have ties with al-Qaeda?
The Bush administration insists that hatred of America has driven the two closer together, although many experts say there’s no solid evidence of such links and argue that the Islamist al-Qaeda and Saddam’s secular dictatorship would be unlikely allies.

Some Iraqi militants trained in Taliban-run Afghanistan are helping Ansar al-Islam, an Islamist militia that harasses anti-Saddam Kurds. In February 2003, Secretary of State Colin Powell told the U.N. Security Council that Iraq was harboring a terrorist cell led by Abu Musab Zarqawi, a suspected al-Qaeda affiliate and chemical and biological weapons specialist. Powell said al-Zarqawi had both planned the October 2002 assassination of a U.S. diplomat in Jordan and set up a camp in Ansar al-Islam’s territory in northeastern Iraq to train terrorists in the use of chemical weapons. Powell added that senior Iraqi and al-Qaeda leaders had met at least eight times since the early 1990s. Czech officials have also reported that Muhammad Atta, one of the September 11 ringleaders, met an Iraqi intelligence agent in Prague months before the hijackings, but U.S. and Czech officials subsequently cast doubt on whether such a meeting ever happened. Al-Qaeda members fleeing Afghanistan have reportedly hid in northern Iraq, but in areas beyond Saddam’s control.

North Korea,Iraq,Al-Quaeda,and Osama are all tied together....there is a common connection. The general public does not seem to see this clearly , but it is there. Listen to Rush, read the articles on www.worldnetdaily,listen to Savage, ...these people tell it like it is, unlike the biased reporting you see on CNN!
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