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SCUD missles launched.
Thought he didn't have them! Thought we were just bullying him!
Thought he didn't have them! Thought we were just bullying him!
Instead of anti-war protesters, they should be called anti-American. I can't believe these ignorant people. They need to go home and watch the news and see how happy the people from Iraq are that we're there. They're dancing in the streets and cheering as posters of Saddam come down. It's pretty sad when the people from Iraq are more supportive than some idiots from our own country. I think anyone who protest our President and don't support our country is nothing but a terrorist themself.Originally posted by pettyfan4life@Mar 21 2003, 12:27 PM
what kills me about these protesters they are not willing to fight for our country but are willing to fight in the streets and get hauled off to jail where does that make sense
That's exactly what the Constitution was intended for - the right to speak what is on your mind, even if it is in dissent to the government's actions. If everyone who went against their country in some way with their opinions was arrested, every U.S. citizen would be in jail. The first amendent provides protection for freedom of speech, the press, religion, and peaceful assembley. I have no problems with anyone expressing their opinion, even if I don't agree with it, because that's what our Founding Fathers intended to happen. I also don't have a problem with anti-war demonstrations, as long as they are peaceful. When they get violent as many of the recent ones have, then that's something that needs to be controlled. But as long as you can demonstrate your opposition to war in a peaceful, "civilized" way, then I'm all for letting it happen.Originally posted by Mopardh9@Mar 22 2003, 10:15 AM
Yeh but when you go against your country with your opinions as many of these so called "americans " are that really helping ? Is that what the Constituion was intended for?
There were hardly any protests in WW2. You know why? Because the Japanese attacked us pre-emptively at Pearl Harbor, and therefore much of the population believed that the attack justified U.S. involvement. The two most unpopular U.S. wars in history were World War I and Vietnam, because those were wars where the U.S. entered pre-emptively - nobody had provoked us, but we went to war, and a lot of people wren't happy with that. I think the main sticking point of the anti-war protesters is that (at least in their minds) it is a pre-emptive, unprovoked attack on another country. If they want to use that as their justification for protesting, more power to them. Like I said before, I support the rights of these people to speak out against this war and protest - at least the government isn't passing laws to prohibit such actions, like they did in World War I. On the other hand, I think it's downright hilarious that some people are resorting to violence as a means of protesting the violence of war.Originally posted by Mopardh9@Mar 22 2003, 12:31 PM
I wasn't around in WW2, but were there protests like this back then? Protests to rid the world of Hitler?
Is there any proof that Saddam is connected to Al Qaeda?Originally posted by Mopardh9@Mar 22 2003, 09:50 AM
Hmm ok what would you call 9/11 then? Wasn't that an attack on our country? And yes it is all connected to Sadam!
Does Iraq have ties with al-Qaeda?Originally posted by gordon24fan@Mar 22 2003, 03:29 PM
Is there any proof that Saddam is connected to Al Qaeda?