DW had a good idea



I think during the rain delay DW had a good idea. He said it would be a good idea to have tarps in the walls that could be pulled out when it rains. I think that would be a good idea for soem of the smaller tracks like Bristol, Martinsville, Even Indy with its narrow track. It does nothave to be one huge tarp, they could have like 200' tarps made over lap then just a bit.
That would cut down the dry time and get the cars back on track faster.
They would need a way for tracks that don't have grass that would get the water off the apron but I think it would be a cool idea!! It would work for bigger tracks but it would take alot of tarps for Daytona and Dega( which is the tracks that would need it the most) After they get the Safer walls up they should think about the tarp in the walls. They would come from the top and have weights at the end that would keep the end on the ground. That way the water will shed right down the tarp and into the grass.

What do you guys think of that idea???
PB,I have alot of respect for :p you,But you have fallen prey to OLD DW.
Naww I am just using my head!! I really do think its a good idea!!!
It might be bad news that DW and I are on the same page of thinking!!!
How would they protect these walls that have tarps in them when they get hit by a car at 200mph plus? Would have to jam the door openings for the tarps to come out. My suggestion is this......albeit not "environment friendly", have the trucks spray out Acetone which in turn will repel the water off the track alot faster. lol
I say.... give em rain tires, wipers, and let em race!!!! LMAO j/k... but DW does have a good idea. Hopefully they'll look more into that..
OK - going the other way, what if the tarps pulled from the apron UP to the wall? Then all you have to do is make a way to fasten the tarp to the wall instead of incorporating the tarp in the wall.
why stop at tarps? just build a roof and call it thunderdome. Wait, I think that has been used before, lol, nm :)
yeah, thats beacuse its a road course, a whole lot safer to run in the wet there, more runoff, less constant pressures exerted from turning both ways rather than just left. I don't see why goodyear won't develop a rain tire for certain tracks, oh well, usally not a problem anyway
Jaws is, always has been, and shows no sign of ever being anything but a blithering idiot. PB, I think you got suckered by his excuse for sense of humor. No feasible way to do this.

Well it might keep water off the track and might not be outrageously expensive (relatively speaking). But the tarps would just be the start. Where would the water go after it ran down the tarps? Drown a few spectators in the infield or a couple of media folks (not a bad idea) or crew members?

LMAO, a beginning of an idea, but might need a little work> :)
I been wondering where you have been!!!
You kinda had me and some others worried!!!
I said this idea would need looking into, which ment that it had some flaws!!!
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