Earnhardt-Ganassi Racing to Ford


Team Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Western PA
If Dale were still here would this have ever been talked about or had the possibility of happening? No freaking way.

From SNR - Sirius Speedway

Expect a decision on Earnhardt-Ganassi Racing's possible move from Chevy to Ford by the end of this week. Sources with the team say that Ford's offer is better financially than what Chevy can provide, but that Jamie McMurray's wins in this year's Daytona 500, Brickyard 400 and Bank Of America 500 at Charlotte were due in large part to the dominance of Earnhardt-Childress Racing Engines. "The offer is on the table, and it's up to them whether or not to take it," said a spokesperson for Ford Motor Company. "If this was a strict business decision, I think Chip (Ganassi) would make the move. But racers are a pretty loyal bunch. I honestly think it could go either way."
Yikes ...Dale must be turning over in his grave! Have to go with the best financial options these days , so I can see both sides of this one.
i think rcr would have to be on board for this to happen. the "c" part of those engines might not be so agreeable to supplying fords. i don't see rcr moving to fords or being too happy with ganassi if he did. both egr and rcr had a good year. don't go screwing it up by being greedy.
i think rcr would have to be on board for this to happen. the "c" part of those engines might not be so agreeable to supplying fords. i don't see rcr moving to fords or being too happy with ganassi if he did. both egr and rcr had a good year. don't go screwing it up by being greedy.

I agree!
No way can I envision RCR building engines for a competing brand.
After the stellar year Fords have had so far with multiple wins (2)(:)D)) in point races this year I'm doubtful of a switch no matter how much Ford puts on the table.
Heck, Dale drove his share of Fords-



early on and yes he did drive for bud moore.

however TE has made a mess out of Dales dreams i for one would never even consider pulling for an Earnhardt-Ganassi car again if they switch to ford. :mad:

I know he drove Fords, but he pretty much built his empire on the bow tie.

Oh??? and why? He was chevy all the way with RCR, souvenior sales were big, but he established himself as the guy to beat, driving a Bow Tie! Chevys' lead driver, care to argue that point?
After the year they've had with Chev, I can't see switching - no matter what Earnhardt did or did not drive.

But like has been said, you got to go where the dollars are these days.

Gibbs goes Toyota, Petty goes Pontiac, Petty goes Ford, Penske goes Ford, Penske goes Dodge...it's not like it's unheard of I suppose.
Well there it is.....

UPDATE 3: Earnhardt Ganassi Racing will continue its relationship with General Motors [Chevy] and Earnhardt Childress Racing Technologies. At a lunch on Wednesday celebrating Jamie McMurray's win at Charlotte Motor Speedway, employees were made aware of the decision
Oh??? and why? He was chevy all the way with RCR, souvenior sales were big, but he established himself as the guy to beat, driving a Bow Tie! Chevys' lead driver, care to argue that point?

do you not know what my handle means ?? Dale Earnhardt 7 time Winston Cup Champ,
i probly know as much about him as anyone on this board.

i followed Dale from the first time i ever saw him race BMS 1979 do you remember that race? I do, so don"t go there. till the day the music died hell
Dale was the man and the day he died nascar did to in my eyes
do you not know what my handle means ?? Dale Earnhardt 7 time Winston Cup Champ,
i probly know as much about him as anyone on this board.

i followed Dale from the first time i ever saw him race BMS 1979 do you remember that race? I do, so don"t go there. till the day the music died hell
Dale was the man and the day he died nascar did to in my eyes

Yeh I remember that race....I have followed Cup since 1967. I'm almost 50, so I do know a little about the sport, what is your point?
Didn't Sr run a ford for Osterlund? Seems like I recall he drove a #2 ford for a few moments....in time.
Either way, I think the EGR organization will do better with the GM equipment, than with Ford. Anyone who has went to Ford in recent years has flopped.
Even when Yates merged with Roush, It seems like Roush got the HP secrets from Yates, and yates faded into oblivion.....
do you not know what my handle means ?? Dale Earnhardt 7 time Winston Cup Champ,
i probly know as much about him as anyone on this board.

i followed Dale from the first time i ever saw him race BMS 1979 do you remember that race? I do, so don"t go there. till the day the music died hell
Dale was the man and the day he died nascar did to in my eyes

Wanna bet? :D
Smart move they are staying with Chevy. They would be fools to go anywhere else.

Especially, since the BIGGEST reason RCR, EGR are doing well this year is the ECR engines. If we could gain access to the dyno numbers, I bet we'd find they are making more power than ANY other team, including Hendrick.
I can understand why the question of Earnhardt Gnassi switching to Ford would come up, times are touugh now. The issue would be where the power comes from because obviously RCR would no longer supply engines so the next choice would prolly be Roush. The Ford's have struggled mightly on the plate tracks & alot of the intermediates, they just haven't been that good. To answer a previous question, i think the only Ford Dale Sr ever drove was for Bud Moore from about 81 or 82 to 83. I remember seeing a video of him winning the 83 Talladega 500 in that car. He went on to drive for RCR in 1984 & the rest as they say...
Especially, since the BIGGEST reason RCR, EGR are doing well this year is the ECR engines. If we could gain access to the dyno numbers, I bet we'd find they are making more power than ANY other team, including Hendrick.

I think you're spot on there.
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