

Here kitty, kitty, kitty
Nov 14, 2002
Winston Salem, NC
No, I'm not talking about California or Alaska, and not Japan or any other place in Asia, but right here in North Carolina. This morning just before 5:00 am, there was a 2.6 magnitude quake about three miles east of Winston Salem. I never felt a thing, but the wife said that she heard and felt it and that the cat drover her crazy for a while. (side bar...hmmmm, crazy for a while...I'll let that one go for the time being, but if she thinks that the cat did this just today, well that should tell you how crazy she really is...sides, she married me!) Anyway, back to the earth shaking news. Just after 9:00 pm, I was sitting here in front of the PC typing away when I heard a loud rumble of sorts and the house shook for a few seconds. The wife hollered "did you feel that?" She said that was the same feeling as this morning. Well, just after 10:00, one of the local stations had a rolling update that we had another quake. Actually, there were two more. The first wasn't all that far from where I live, but it was only a 1.5 and it happened just before 8 pm. The second was a 2.4 and that one was felt all over the county and in the county just south of us.

So now, I feel complete. I've lived through an earthquake. :)
Sorry, it was the beans I ate. You never know how they'll be. That you felt the rumble in W-S and me in Raleigh may be a new record for me...
I am just a little east of Raleigh and I didn't feel a thing either. ;) I heard about it on the news like all of you did.
We went through the same thing at around 4AM about 3 years ago. It sounded wierd, the dog raised he!!, and we sure woke up and thought a BIG plane may have crashed, but it carried on for almose a full minute. The rumble stopped, so we went back to sleep only to discover in the morning that it was an earthquake.
The Eastern Fault Line runs through Missouri (I think) but I sure don't want to live near my daughter in Los Angeles to feel the "BIG ONE"!
There was a report of two more today. I never felt anything but the wife did while she was on lunch break and several people I talked to also felt the tremor. These things are so minor that I doubt that anyone outside this county could feel a thing, though there were reports that some in Davidson County did feel one of them this afternoon.
I live about 30 or 40 miles from a fault line....

and military planes are allowed to fly supersonic in our area when doing testing and what not.

We get the occasional Rumble
i live in the bay area.. i survived the '89 quake.. i felt a few others..
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