
Bobby as long as it leeps shaking you're fine. When it stop for a long period......RUN
Here's a map of the last 100 years of earthquakes......So.Cal. is fairly bright but there are worse places. Like us!

Earthquakes last 100 years.jpg
At least when a hurrican comes, I have some warning. House might get flooded, but at least I can decide ahead of time if I want to ride it out. Earthquake? Surprise, your building's collapsing!
It's actually nothing like that. Usually a little shaking, sometimes a little worse. My house is 1955, slab. Still standing with no damage after several near 7 earthquakes. The media makes it seem a lot worse than it really is.
My wife went through earthquakes growing up in So Cal. I saw a tornado and it's aftermath in Kansas. All things considered we've decided we'll take hurricanes any day.:)
My wife went through earthquakes growing up in So Cal. I saw a tornado and it's aftermath in Kansas. All things considered we've decided we'll take hurricanes any day.:)
But...hurricanes and tornadoes happen every year, strong earthquakes happen only every 20 years.
I've been through a 6.6 and one that was close to a 7 (Northridge quake magnitude was reported at less of a strength than it actually was). Neither house that I was in suffered any structural damage. Lots of broken dishes and other glass items, though.
I had clients in Kansas who told me they had lived there 40-50 years and never saw a tornado. The last true hurricane to hit RI was Bob in 1991. I lost several beautiful Maple trees in that one. The kids loved those trees because in the fall they turned orange,yellow and red. Like Trix ceral!
Not to say we haven't been hit with tropical storms in the meantime but they're nothing like a hurricane. However a Nor'Easter in the winter can be a real byitch.
So Cal gets a number of mini quakes everyday. Any one of them could be the BIG ONE.
I'd still rather stay where I am. Really love the green that surrounds me. Something that lacks in California. I saw how dry and brown the grass was around Sears Point (only about 15 linear miles form where I grew up), and was saddened.
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