Election results


Team Owner
Sep 16, 2001
Boston, MA
Looks like the people have spoken. GOP winning the majority around the country.

Yesterday was a great day in America!

And the future looks even brighter, Americans are starting to see the Democratic party for what it is.
Okay Paul.........I'm on your side of the war you just started!!:D

I agree 100%:calpping:
This is a little off track, but what I thought was always funny is how no one seems to have voted for Klinton when he was pres......Everyone always complained about him, but no one around here claimed to vote for him. Makes me wonder how he got elected twice....
Wow Paul, I'm actually (pleasantly) surprised. I always took you for a Dem.

Only one race I'm upset about, and that one's in Maryland, which I had no control over. Other than that, it was a pretty good day all around!
Living in Ky is not so good on this Republican! Rather Dem. around here, but alot of those Rep. won yesterday. Now if we can get rid of Patton we'd be doing good!:)
Originally posted by fergy1370
This is a little off track, but what I thought was always funny is how no one seems to have voted for Klinton when he was pres......Everyone always complained about him, but no one around here claimed to vote for him. Makes me wonder how he got elected twice....

I lived in Arkansas while Clinton was Governor........all twelve of fourteen years. And, no one ever voted for him there either!!?:D
Our state abolished Bilingual education and came very close to abolishing the state tax. It was like 52% to 48% to keep the tax.

I live in Massachusetts, probably the most Democratic state in the Union. Nearly everyone here is an Irish Catholic Kennedy worshiper.

Winds of change.
Originally posted by fergy1370
This is a little off track, but what I thought was always funny is how no one seems to have voted for Klinton when he was pres......Everyone always complained about him, but no one around here claimed to vote for him. Makes me wonder how he got elected twice....

Sorry to say I voted for clinton.........biggest mistake I ever made in all my voting years............:( :mad:
Bilingual ed is where they don't teach class in English. They teach it in Spanish for the Puerto Ricans.
Originally posted by paul
Bilingual ed is where they don't teach class in English.  They teach it in Spanish for the Puerto Ricans.

That crap pisses me off to no end!!!!!!! This might be a topic for another thread because I'll get on a big tangent about it.
Well, it's no more in Massachusetts.

And Mitt Romney said many times he was going to support removing it.
Originally posted by fergy1370
Bilingual education? They were teaching different languages? What is that bilingual ed?

Been to a grocery store in Falls Church? Everyt sign is in at least 3 languages. If we're not careful around here in the Communist Commonwealth of VA, we'll lose English as our official language in the state.

But I'm sure you NEVER run into that w/ your gangs over in Ft Belvoir :satisfied
California actually got rid of bilingual ed two years ago.......now the Hispanics are *****ing again. Probably will be on the ballot in two more years.

Abolishing taxes here, though? You need to remember who our re-elected Governor is.......Gray Davis (remember that name.....you'll see as a Presidential candidate in 2008. Or maybe a Vice Presidential candidate with Hilary Clinton!).:)
Originally posted by HappyHour
Been to a grocery store in Falls Church?  Everyt sign is in at least 3 languages.  If we're not careful around here in the Communist Commonwealth of VA, we'll lose English as our official language in the state.  

But I'm sure you NEVER run into that w/ your gangs over in Ft Belvoir :satisfied

thats nothing.................you need to come to Los Angeles..NOBODY SPEAKS ENGLISH HERE........makes me mad, they look right at you and speak their spanish crap........and you have no idea what the hell they are saying.........boy don't get me on a tangent......ticks me off BIG TIME.........:mad: :mad:
Originally posted by HappyHour
Been to a grocery store in Falls Church?  Everyt sign is in at least 3 languages.  If we're not careful around here in the Communist Commonwealth of VA, we'll lose English as our official language in the state.  

But I'm sure you NEVER run into that w/ your gangs over in Ft Belvoir :satisfied

Its just not the gangs, its everyone in that area. Honestly, I have nothing against people who want to come to the U.S. and make a better life for themselves. But when I pull you over and look at your Virginia driver's license, which you have had for five years, and the only words you can say are, "Me no speak English." it really gets under my skin.
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2

Abolishing taxes here, though?  You need to remember who our re-elected Governor is.......Gray Davis (remember that name.....you'll see as a Presidential candidate in 2008.  Or maybe a Vice Presidential candidate with Hilary Clinton!).:)

Oh, I'll be moving overseas the day that wench gets elected. Anyone care to join? ;)
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
Gray Davis (remember that name.....you'll see as a Presidential candidate in 2008.  Or maybe a Vice Presidential candidate with Hilary Clinton!).:)

That thought scares the hell out of me.
Originally posted by HappyHour
Oh, I'll be moving overseas the day that wench gets elected.  Anyone care to join?  ;)

I'm right behind you happy hour.............:D can't stomach that woman and her sleaze ball husband.
What gets me (here we go) is how people still support those two idiots. The book deals, the talk-show deal, people hang on every word they say.

You would think we would learn....
Wonder what Tom Daschle will be doing in the Senate now? Trying to block more judges from being voted up or down?
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
Wonder what Tom Dausle will be doing in the Senate now?  Trying to block more judges from being voted up or down?

Opening envelopes?

Bad joke, bad joke......
I am a registered democrat and I WOULD NOT vote for Hillary Clinton. I don't know why I voted for Clinton in 1996, maybe cause it was my first time voting. I don't care whos in office anymore I just want this country back on its feet with a healthy economy. This election I didn't really vote basing it on democrat or republican, just looked at the issues.
Originally posted by HappyHour
Oh, I'll be moving overseas the day that wench gets elected.  Anyone care to join?  ;)

Oh, I'll already be there, getting the place ready.

As to the election, many people have said that Tennessee is really 3 states, and that's true. East Tennessee (my end) is Republican. Middle Tennessee is Democrat. Memphis will go Democrat as well. So the remainder of West Tennessee decides the elections.

Our newly elected governor is the former mayor of Nashville. I lived in Nashville during his tenure. We as a state are doomed.

We are one of the few states without a state income tax...for the time being at least. We'll get one now that Bredesen is governor. Being a state employee who opposes a state income tax is kinda rare. All my coworkers scream that with the tax, we'll get a 4% raise. When I ask them how getting a 4% raise, then paying a 6% tax puts money in their pockets, I get a lot of blank stares.
Originally posted by coonhound
I am a registered democrat and I WOULD NOT vote for Hillary Clinton.  I don't know why I voted for Clinton in 1996, maybe cause it was my first time voting.   I don't care whos in office anymore I just want this country back on its feet with a healthy economy.  This election I didn't really vote basing it on democrat or republican, just looked at the issues.

And that is exactly the way you should vote......good for you!!:)
Originally posted by TN-Ward-Fan
When I ask them how getting a 4% raise, then paying a 6% tax puts money in their pockets, I get a lot of blank stares.

That's popular look among (most) state employees........and I'm not talking about all......just most.:)
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
That's popular look among (most) state employees........and I'm not talking about all......just most.:)

I just remembered one of the issues colorado had on the ballots.
"should Colorado have an official day for Ceasar Chavez?" How and why this got on the ballot I don't know. Does anyone know who this guy is? It has nothing to do with Colorado.
Back in the 60's and 70's Ceaser Chavez organized the migrant workers here in California......sort of a union of field workers for the crops. He's got a street named for him in downtown Los Angeles. He sort of made the word "Chicano" popular. He's a folk hero for the Hispanics here........but back when he was organizing the migrant workers (mostly undocumented immigrants) he was not popular at all. Several attempts on his life.
Thanks DE, I knew it had someting to do with migrant workers.
"here in the Communist Commonwealth of VA"

I had to laugh when I read that. Pa is also a commonwealth and I've always explained it as "another word for communist".

yrs ago when I moved here and got my license, I registered even though I had never voted or followed any kind of politics. I vaguely remember telling the woman yes. Now that I'm following things much more closely, you can imagine my surprise when I went to vote and found out that I had registered myself as a Dem. I about fell over!! I'm a conservative Rep. I wasn't always like that but the older I get the wiser I get.

Big surprise here in Wis. A democratic governorwas elected in a vastly republican state. Exit polls said that people made up there minds based on who had the worse campaign ads. I guess the rep. ads were sleezier than the dem. ones. IMO, both were rotten and no one talked about the issues. It's going to be a great 4 years here. Dem. governor, Rep legislature. Nothing will get done.

Our taxes are already to high and I think they will go higher. I am a dem., but voted for the rep. guy, 'cuz we think the same way about a lot of issues,
Paul I thought you being fron Mass. would be a Dem. I thougt Kennedy had everybody up there wrapped around his finger.LOL
Democrats got a shock here in Texas, too. The "good ol' boy" county commissioners are going to get a kick in the seat --- a woman got elected! Ought to liven things up. hehehe
Hey peeps.....figured I'ld better check in.....

Gloating is perfectly acceptable as far as I'm concerned. And now that a sitting President's party has control of both The Senate and The House, what they get done, what they don't, how the economy fares, and how the war against terrorism goes will be their calling card come 2004. So before ya get to gloating with too much glee, remember that every action this coalition may take has a reward or consequence.

America is selling it's soul to the corporate puppets. The price will be paid soon enuf. And when that price becomes to high, the pendelum will swing the other way. I'm really not all that concerned as I don't think even the Pubs can mess our country up that bad in just 2 years. Given 6 years of Republican Rule I believe our country would be big trouble.

What I am most concerned with are Republican nominations to the judicial branch. It was a Republican court that announced G-Dub the winner by involving itself states rights. The Florida electoral college votes imo should have been disallowed and a fair and unbiased Supreme Court imo would not have heard the case in the first place.

Come 2004 the cry from the Pubs will be that they didn't have enuf time to fix it. From the Dems it will be look how bad they've messed it up. It's the same tug-of-war that has been going on in our country for quite some time. As long as nobody steals the rope we'll be just fine.
Our country is in bad shape, in case you haven't noticed.

Thanks to 8 years of Democratic rule.
It was Independence Day!!!! I am so excited!! I really hope they move swiftly and properly to make america better. reinstill free enterprise and work to support yourself or starve. there are a few exceptions, i am aware of that. just read a great book, freedom tide. i think he has a website too, freedomtide.com excellent reading. oops, sorry i got off topic:eek: I am really looking forward to the next two years and hearing what the GOP puts in place. we all know 2 years is not enough time, but look back at reagan and bush years. their stuff came into play when clinton became pres. of course slick willy got a lot of credit for it, but we all know how it came to pass if you really look at it. i hope the GOP doesnt get too much flack in 04, but i am sure there will be enough stuff in place to carry a while if bush stays till 2008:D
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