Electric Fence



Hey everyone. I have a dog that has learned to climb the fence, so I've been forced to take drastic fencing measures...none of them have worked as she can still hop right over the chain link. So, I started putting in an electric fence. Its a little electric deal made for dogs, but I got all the major brackets on the fence tonight and have to get some more that fit on the actual chain link before I can string it. Once I do that, I have to find a clamp that will attach the ground rod to the ground line, I broke the last one...it wasn't small enough. So, does anyone have any experience with this? I don't really want to do it, but I also can't find another way to do it without chaining her, and I'm not into that.

What do you all think? Most people say it only takes once or twice and they get the message.
My brother has a shock coller for his dog, all he has to do now, is put the coller on the dog and he will act perfit. So a few times and they will learn.
When my parents had a pit he could jump a 5 ft. fence. My dad put up an electric strand just over the top and after a few zaps the dog learned not to try it. He didn't use a doggie fence tho. He got a regular cattle zapper and adjusted the power. It was cheaper from the local ag store.

Oh, and 1 piece of advice, don't whiz on the fence...
barelypure said:
Oh, and 1 piece of advice, don't whiz on the fence...

yeah, i keep hearing that, but the urge is unbreakable.

I actually got the unit at TSC, it's made for small animals, not just for dogs...it was 19.99...a hell of a lot cheaper than the prepackaged ready made pet ones for dogs.
If you do, just hold someone's hand. Share the love so to speak...
Professur said:
Training's not an options?

give me some suggestions on how to train her to not climb the fence and I'll give it a shot.
Not being an expert, I wouldn't know where to begin. It would, I expect, start with her initial level of training. How well does she obey spoken commands? Will she heel or stay on command?
Lap3Forever said:
My brother has a shock coller for his dog, all he has to do now, is put the coller on the dog and he will act perfit. So a few times and they will learn.


try having a dog that can open a gate using his nose...
Axl, as a mailman, I've got plenty of experience with dogs of all sizes and shapes. Most of the dogs on my route are contained by Invisible Fence, a system that incorporates a series of wires that are buried around an area where the dog is allowed to roam. The dog is then fitted with a special collar that will give it a small shock if it comes too close to the fence. It works for big and small dogs, but of course, it takes some training on both the dog and owners part. The initial expense is the laying down the wire which requires it to be buried and when there is a driveway or sidewalk involved, they have to cut a tiny trench for the wire. If you have a fence anyway, burying the wire isn't necessary and could save you lots of expense. Give the local franchaise a call and ask them what it might take for you. Believe me, this works, even with vicious dogs.
It does work for most dogs. Some dogs tho eventually that the shock is temporary if they just keep going. Once on the other side of the invisible fence the shock will stip. Some dogs are just smart that way.
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