


#40 Coors Light/Lonestar Dodge Driver David Stremme is feeling better after twisting his ankle and tearing all the ligaments in his right foot while using a leaf blower. The injury occured at his home near Charlotte several weeks before Christmas. Stremme said, “I’ve been fighting with the landscape company…they’ve not been showing up and they’ve been a pain in the butt. All my leaves were blowing across the street into my neighbor Joe Nemechek’s yard so I figured I needed to clean them up.” Stremme made sure he was okay to start the season by testing his foot riding go-carts. Stremme added, “I wish it had been my brake pedal foot instead of my gas pedal foot.”

How many people think Stremme just wanted to mention his neighbor was Nemecheck? "Look what my new deal bought me! A house next to 'Front Row Joe'!"

Either that, or he's vying for that Weed Eater contract.


- k y l e
:eek: My husband is the biggest klutz in the world, so if he can manage to use a leaf blower without injuring himself what is the nature of David's malfunction that he can't. :confused: It sorta reminds me of Bill Elliot and the rogue water hose that tripped him a few years ago.
Let's not be too hasty --- my neighbor tore the ligaments in his knee while using a weedeater. Seems he stepped on the curbing around the flower bed and his foot slipped. Stuff happens.

Shoot, I twisted my knee simply leaning over to pick up an item off the garage floor.
LOL, Sheeeeet happens. And it happens to the very best of us too.

I was leaving work one day about 5 months ago. Walking across the patio entry, and turned my ankle. Down I went!!!! Splat...............right in front of the Budweiser truck driver!!!!! LOL He was making a delivery and he really is kinda nice lookin...... LOL He picked me up just like I was nuthin!!!
Asked me if I was hurt. ??? I was too embarrassed to say much of anything but thanks. LOL It's a wonder he didn't run me over with that dolly full of kegs of beer he was bringing in. :p
Yeah but this guy pilots a 3400 pound missle in a circle at 200 mph....weekly.

- k y l e
this is ridiculous a driver can flip a car and not get a scratch but a leafblower and a water hoese OMG and that made me think of bill e 2 it seams their yards are more dangerous than a track with 42 other drivers at 200mph
I was using a leafblower at the new property where my future job will be starting in a few months...there were tons of leaves from about three years of vacancy. Anyway, the walkway was covered with leaves and there was actually a whole damn step completely erased by leaves...well, needless to say i stepped on the "leaves" and almost fell backwards into the street...could have been pretty damn bad.
that just proves again that drivers are human and "accidents" happen even to them
The sad thing is....................they happen to all of us at one time or another. LOL I know I would just as soon not do another "splat" in front of the delivery guys!!!!! LOL
Who would want to brag about being Nemecheck's neighbor and having to go outside and see Martha in all those stupid clothes acting like an idiot. One would never think Joe was married the way Martha tries to hog the cameras.
Besides, Scott Riggs said Nemecheck was a complete a-hole and not a teammate the last couple of years.
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