ESPN's Chase Commerical, Love or Hate?


Oldest Operating Motor Speedway In The World
Nov 12, 2012
Milwaukee, WI
I didn't like this commercial at first, but it's starting to grow on me.

Minus the attempt to make the chase into more than it really is, that was pretty cool visual of past champs.
The commercial itself its pretty cool but I dont see the connection partaining to the chase with all the retro paint schemes and drivers that are not in the 2013 chase.

Otherwise, pretty cool vid.
Cool commercial, but I can't remember Dale Earnhardt ever doing burnouts. I remember him as frowning at that, tearing up good equipment for no good reason.
Even though Petty, Earnhardt, and Elliott never competed in a Chase, I still like the commercial.
Cool commercial, but I can't remember Dale Earnhardt ever doing burnouts. I remember him as frowning at that, tearing up good equipment for no good reason.
Well there was that one time, more of a turf job than burnout I guess...
I like the commercial and how it shows the "greats" from different eras. Although I don't think Keselowski belongs there with the rest of the others; prolly just added him in because he's the current champ. Either that or they were trying to show all different generation cars.
It would be cooler if the cars weren't computer generated.
Being an Advertising major I like the commercial. The graphics were great for lower budget and the creativity to have the car transform through the low visibility smoke was genius. Short, simple, to the point. Remember this is an advertisement for the race TO the chase. Not racing IN the chase.
I didn't like this commercial at first, but it's starting to grow on me.

Ummm who cares it is a chase commercial, I like to see no commercials for the Chase......which would mean......wait for it...NO DAMN CHASE!
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