Ethics rules...



... so the government passed a new ethics package.

Now, they say we can't have any form of relationship with any student attending our school system.

That's one of the many bs rules in our new ethics package (which I printed up on toilet paper and wiped my arse with anyways).

Now they're complaining about my work ethic. For example, I'm not always working on something that's entirely 100% work related 24/7/365.

Then, my boss says I'm unreliable because I'm late more times than not. Why am I always late?

Here's why: We have 77,000 people in Waldorf (and another 15,000 in La Plata) and our roads can only adequately support 15,000 people countywide. So, in a 2001 refferendum election, the voters (my boss being one of them) approved the construction of the 301 Bypass, which runs direct through my backyard. So I live in a 24/7 construction zone with constantly changing traffic patterns where school buses run through and cars crossing county lines run through (because this is the 3rd largest city in the state).

Now, I also sit through at least (but not limited to) 6 traffic lights (entire pattern).

So, it takes 35 minutes to drive 17 miles in this town. She says she lives in Waldorf's outskirts and has no problem getting here. I live in the busiest part of the busiest roads off the busiest intersection in the 3rd largest city in Waldorf.

Boss' said response: Move closer. :XXROFL:

Because apartments cost more than $1,500/month and I'm working on a $10.00/hour budget. Yep, moving closer is a real option.

No real point to posting this thread, just venting.
Most cities face the same problem you do...we do here with 208,000 people...infact be happy it ONLY takes you 35 minutes:p

Oh and you are probably lucky to still have that job if you are more late than on-time
35 minutes for 17 miles ain't bad. I guess you haven't lived in a big city. :) Move, nah, just find another job closer to home. Maybe the gas station down the street needs a third shifter.

So, I gather from your post that you are a teacher? Not to worry, these days, the problems with teachers come from the female side of the aisle. :cool:
Sorry Andy, no sympathy from me. I have terminated people for being habitually late to work. I don't know under what circumstances you were hired and what was expected out of you in your job. However, I will say that most jobs require a person to be at work on time. It is then your responsibility to get there.
I thought it was very poor...

... because there's not a lot of incentive for me to be overjoyed when I haven't gotten a payraise in over a year and my workload has tripled because of policies passed in the last three months.

No wonder 5 guys have quit in 6 months. And if their excuse is that they don't have enough people, maybe they need to hire more people or pay the ones they have more money I mean they're making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year (and driving company cars and don't have to pay for gas because our taxpayer dollar does so), i'm sure they can hire more people.
Andy, ... just 'pretend' you work from 7:30 - 5 rather than 8. Then, when you show up 15 minutes late, the boss will think you're putting in a little extra effort! :) (might end up getting that pay-raise after all...) (then when you blow 15 minutes at the water-cooler you're even! ahhaha)

Oh, and make sure your boss has no way of finding out about this post/webage (ie don't surf at work, they probably DO track your activity). They can't fire ya for this, but if they see it, it won't help your case any. I know serveral folks who blogged about work and got canned. They already have enough reason with ya being late.

I worked at a place that went from 150 to 35 employees in about a year, so I know all about laying low. Don't be a target.
Now, they say we can't have any form of relationship with any student attending our school system.
That's one of the many bs rules in our new ethics package (which I printed up on toilet paper and wiped my arse with anyways).

Whether you're late or not is something entirely within your control. And, you've been given several good suggestions. But, it's your response to this "ethics" rule that is quite disturbing. If you are employed by the school system exactly what kind of relationship is it that you're wanting to have with a student? That's whats going to get you fired and possibly locked up...
... because there's not a lot of incentive for me to be overjoyed when I haven't gotten a payraise in over a year and my workload has tripled because of policies passed in the last three months.

Try working for your local car dealer, I haven't had but two pay raises in the last 8 years.
Whether you're late or not is something entirely within your control. And, you've been given several good suggestions. But, it's your response to this "ethics" rule that is quite disturbing. If you are employed by the school system exactly what kind of relationship is it that you're wanting to have with a student? That's whats going to get you fired and possibly locked up...

Ah, the main point. But for the rest of the thread, I read about a test that was tried some time ago that dealt with people who were always late for work. Their employer changed their start time to 30 minutes later. Those late workers were always giving the same sort of excuse, that it was the time their children needed to get to school or something else. When their start times were changed, their habits didn't. They once again came into work five or ten minutes late. It's habitual and will continue unless the worker gets control of his or her life.
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