
IF YOU NEED TO LOSE 5LBS OR 100 LBS.................
Moral support. Lots of it. It is hard if you do not have the support of your family and friends.
Me, My fat, and food are my best friends...and they dont like diets.
reminds me of the simpsons, the quack Dr. is standing at a booth saying, with my diet, you can eat any amount of any food, and Marge says "and you'll lose weight?" and the Dr. says, uhhhhhh, you might?..:D
no beer for a week seems to help me lose 5 to 10 lbs. is that a diet plan? lol:rolleyes: or just crazy
I recently suffered a severe pancreas attack, had my gall bladder removed, and as a result I am probably diabetic, at least boorderline for the time being. You bet your ass I'm on a diet. I would boil my aged elders in oil about now for a sixer of good ol' Silver Bullets. I am so tired of reduced this and altered that I think I might scream. I can't even have the staple of my diet for the past 30 years...Mountain Dew!! Y'all might see me on CNN soon as the "Deranged man inside a Burger King with a deer rifle". (Just kidding...Burger King is off limits too dammit.)

One of my friends went to Weight Watchers and he lost 210 lbs in a year. He look great and goes to the gym everyday. Now me on the other hand, I need to loose about 10 lbs, but I just love food too much. I'm only 5"1 so those lbs need to go, but chocolate is my best friend!:D
Substituted diet coke for coke and if nothing else, have not regained any of the wait that I lost.
Gave up dieting about 20 years ago --- too hard on me and the family.

My gene pool has been short and fat for generations, so why fight it. I've been at the same weight for the last 20 years. No high blood pressure, no high cholesterol, no blood sugar problems. *knock on wood* Come from a long-lived line of females 85-90 years average.
i have been dietin since i was 6 years old scary i know---i need to get a few pounds off :rolleyes:
Oh my gosh this question was a loaded one for me. I didn't know you could not ever be on a diet.. lol Seems like I have lived my whole life on one. I am only 5'2" and come from a family that all the women are short and heavy. Been pretty good about it so far but was injured at work 2 years ago and can't get around as well as before so have to watch everything. So in answer to the question yes of course..
I need a diet to gain weight, any ideas. I am to thin 6'4" and weigh only 165. I eat all I want and never gain.
Originally posted by cutiepie24
IF YOU NEED TO LOSE 5LBS OR 100 LBS.................

Originally posted by Tabasco
I need a diet to gain weight, any ideas.  I am to thin 6'4" and weigh only 165.  I eat all I want and never gain.

??? have your thyroid checked???? Stressed out????

The ht. and weight thing runs in the family. Take a look at Alan Jackson he is a distant cousin.
Originally posted by Tabasco
The ht. and weight thing runs in the family.  Take a look at Alan Jackson he is a distant cousin.

Hubby too,5'5", 105 lbs.

AND not related to my other honey Alan...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Originally posted by kat2220

??? have your thyroid checked???? Stressed out????


Some people don't have a problem that needs Dr's attention. High matabolism........same weight since high school. 5'10" and 165. Lowest wieght was returning from Viet Nam at 145.....took me almost ten years to get it back. And it's not in my genes either. All but one of my sisters are overwieght except one who diets constantly (I have no brothers). Some are "lucky" (unless you wanted to gain wieght for something like football like I did!!)
My hubby can drop 10 lbs. by giving up ice cream after supper for a week.

If I want to lose 10lbs., I have to literally quit eating. Very slow basal metabolism is my problem.
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