Ever get mad at yout lawnmower

Nope, I haven't done that,,,,but I dammm sure was thinking about it!:D
Oh, yes. I can totally sympathize. Mine quit on me earlier this year. Had to call the shop to come get it. Took them 3 weeks to get everything back together and bring it home. It weighs about 600lbs, BTW.

Believe me, if it hadn't cost so much to replace it, I'd have beat the crap out of mine!
I think she needed one of those DAMMIT tools eh TRL?
That was funny! Next time I throw a fit I am making sure no one videos me!!!
hahahaha just imagine what will happen to the neighbor when she finds out she posted that video.
That poor mower didn't stand a chance.
When my gets tempermental, it usually just needs the air filter cleaned.
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